Letters: Thumbs-up for Greerton traffic changes
Readers have their say on the city's transport situation and Māori grievances.
Readers have their say on the city's transport situation and Māori grievances.
There may be fewer teams in the mix but there's still a lot to like about BOP rugby league
Letters: Students shouldn't have taken the day off to protest over climate change.
Has the recent Crankworx mountain biking event become too popular?
COMMENT: Species extinction and extreme weather are only going to get worse.
Judge the individual, not the group that person belongs to, says Stuart Pedersen.
Tauranga needs a first-class bus system - fast, writes Samantha Motion.
Letters: Tauranga children right to strike over climate change
COMMENT: Political commentators have a duty to be balanced, writes Bryan Gould.
Tommy Wilson: When is the right time to move on from tragedy?
We all need to stand up to racism, a reader says.
Letters: Open the Welcome Bay slip road
Moving on is a myth. What are we really feeling 2 weeks after the Christchurch attacks?
Sports reporter David Beck says it is hard to beat the tribalism of club rugby.
Letters: Jacinda Ardern has done us proud.
Bryan Gould: 'We are all in the same waka'
Letters: Quick changes to our laws a concern.
To see a man known to be gentle and friendly become shaken and scared is heartbreaking.
AFLW player Tayla Harris has slammed vulgar comments made about an image of her at work
Letters: Military-style semi-automatics need to go.
Hatred loses its footing when we stand for justice - and act in love.
Sports reporter David Beck says sport is a way people can unite together.
COMMENT: Whatever Govt decides, I am fully prepared to relinquish my semi-automatics.
Letters: Welcome Bay congestion needs to be sorted
Letters: Darkest day will be etched in our minds forever
Letters: New Zealand has no cause to allow semi-automatic weapons
Christchurch shooting preoccupies Bay of Plenty letter writers.
COMMENT: Whatever mask terrorism wears, we must be clear it will not be tolerated.