Latest fromBOPT Opinion
Bryan Gould: Charity should not be equated with public funding
There's a bigger picture to charity at Christmas.
Plastic waste a scourge on our country
Plastic bags and plastic packaging are a blight on the country.
Letters: Carbon credits may be a way to save the planet
Bay of Plenty readers have their say.
Opinion: Time to chill out at the beach
Will Johnston has decided life is not all about work; it's important to take time out too.
Letters: NZ and Norway not a good comparison
Bay of Plenty readers have their say.
Tommy Wilson: Alcohol is the taniwha in the whare
Real need for grateful beds to ease the burden for those addicted to drugs and alcohol.
Opinion: Are my breasts going to kill me?
Cancer screenings can save lives - and cause anxiety when results are inconclusive.
Letters: Maunganui Rd underpass not needed and too expensive
Readers have their say.
Opinion: Tightening belts and trickle-down theory not the right call
Sometime it's best to spend more, not less.
Peter Williams: Car park example of solution looking for problem
Phoenix car park is a fantastic example of a solution looking for a problem.
Opinion: Time to think of people, not profit
Right now the moana, the whenua and the people are anything but healthy.
Opinion: An effective tsunami alert
Everyone has a cellphone, making a mobile alerting system effective in an emergency
Rachel Stewart: TERF wars - a derogatory term to shut down debate
COMMENT: All human beings deserve human rights and respect.
Education plays an important role in democracy
Education plays an important role in democracy.
Peter Williams: Workplace tragedies could have been avoided
Has the Government really tried its best for the CTV building victims' families?
Opinion: Begging issue is more about coin and less about kai
Tommy Wilson takes aim at the heart of the begging issue.
Opinion: Bodies are beautiful - why do some of us have trouble with public nudity?
I've been wondering why public nudity makes me squirm ...
Opinion: Homeless ban a no-win solution
Begging and rough sleeping bans in Tauranga: Where does it end?