Elderly mum left caring for 'high needs' adult daughter when support workers don't show
"They already do heaps for me ... they have their own health problems to deal with."
"They already do heaps for me ... they have their own health problems to deal with."
Danny Cancian owes more than $1 million to Carters.
"It's clear that our current approach to public art is not serving us well as a city."
OPINION: Fluoridation just one step in helping people make better oral health choices.
Uffindell says he's excited to present his maiden speech to Parliament.
Prices at the Elizabeth St and Spring St carpark buildings will also go up by 50c an hour.
OPINION: Tamati Coffey says things like the cost of living payment will make a difference.
We joined Anne on her drive through the Tauranga traffic - hear what she had to say.
"This is how we can revitalise the workforce."
"It is an additional workload and stress ... when we're already in our busiest time."
The Education Ministry recommends that students in Year 4 and up wear masks indoors.
Two BMX freestyle riders say it's "pretty cool" the event is coming back after 15 years.
It's been 15 years since Nia Glassie was murdered. But has anything changed?
But there are concerns his 'deviant sexual interests' will need to be monitored.
"You're busy looking to see who's on the roundabout ... you might not see the red light."
OPINION: The CBD will once again become place where we want to work, shop, eat, play.
'The programme is designed to teach students about business... and encourage a worldview.'
Tauranga and Western BOP athletes competing at the 2022 Commonwealth Games revealed.
But one local council has 'serious concerns' with the directive and wants answers.
In a statement, the council said it had serious concerns with the directive.
Some fought tears, others apologised for protest actions, others clapped as decision made.
Instead of going to school they were seen asking about getting to Auckland.
OPINION: Bay of Plenty readers have their say.
Renewed options for the future of Tauranga Racecourse reserve are out for feedback.
Covid-19 and other winter illnesses have also had an impact on staff absences.
Experts agree self-reporting could lead to an undercount of the virus' spread.
Whitianga and Te Puke recorded their wettest days in more than a year.
'That should never have happened. It was a total waste of life.'
"He was just one of those genuine, good guys ... it always happens to the good guys."