National, Labour open candidate nominations for Bay of Plenty seat
Todd Muller is retiring after nine years in politics.
Todd Muller is retiring after nine years in politics.
Art projects and town-wide events in Te Puke supported by fund.
The pump track caters for bikes, trikes, scooters, skateboards and trolleys.
Nine eggs are being decorated by artists and groups to make up the trail.
Cody Cooper wins national 250cc class with race to spare.
Awards recognise the good work going on in the community.
The great-granddaughter of Te Puke bakers is writing a memoir-cookbook.
Local deerstalkers take aim at the Govt for how hunters were treated after March 15.
Thoughts have already turned to the 2024 event.
Mural project conceived to give rangatahi a new viewpoint on art.
The council was disappointed the pool could not be opened for the community earlier.
The company was fined in 2020 and is facing another fine after the WorkSafe prosecution.
Pāpāmoa and Te Puke residents lost power around 7.55am.
'I still can’t believe it. It’s scary. I have been through sadness, anger, and denial.'
'Everyone suddenly turned on their own little patch.'
Scholarship a way of paying back the school and the community.
Tougher material, easy-release design and anti-copying marks are features of the design.
Owner of Te Puke equestrian centre moved by stories from others in the horse community.
Bay of Plenty Civil Defence announced a region-wide state of emergency on Monday.
The cow was swept up in floodwaters and eventually hoofed it to Te Puke's KFC.
'The question on everyone’s lips is how long it’s going to take to get running again.'
About 30 properties upstream from the bridge have been impacted.
KiwiRail says high water levels are impeding the investigation and track assessment.
The council is working to establish a possible emergency access track.
The two-person train crew are uninjured.
Residents have been trying for 10 years to get safety improvements.
The woman remains in a serious condition in hospital.
There were no injuries reported but thousands have been left without power.
Some farmers indicated they are considering exiting the industry due to concerns.
Location of the new facility is said to be partly due to Tauranga's housing shortage.