Latest fromGisborne

Tee Weaky oh Tee Ray Oh

Tee Weaky oh Tee Ray Oh

Here are some easy greetings to assist with pronunciation of Tee Ray Oh and Tee Kangar for Tee Weaky oh Tee Rayo Mar Ree. Kar pie tar toe — Kapai taatou, we are all well. Tee Nark wey — Teenaa koe, Greetings to you (one person). Kay tee ar har...

Jersey Boys a must-see

Jersey Boys a must-see

What an amazing show!! Centre Stage Gisborne’s production of Jersey Boys is a MUST-SEE! The amount of talent on display is incredible. One could hardly believe that this was Danielle Siata’s first show as a director — the professionalism on...

Good economic managers

Good economic managers

If we were to believe several commentators on New Zealand media, the National Party and Act, we could be forgiven for thinking our NZ economy is tanking. What they say and what is the reality are poles apart. I’ve even heard the word bankruptcy...

United do the double

United do the double

Three goals in the last six minutes blew out the scoreline of football’s Bailey Cup final but the result was a fair reflection of the game. Heavy Equipment Services Gisborne United completed the Eastern League-Bailey Cup double by beating Coates...



Gisborne teenagers Rachael Rickard and Kayla Trowell showed their class in reaching the semifinals at the New Zealand under-18 singles finals in Auckland. The pair qualified strongly, winning all four of their games. Rickard won 16-5, 9-7, 20-3 and...

Gisborne Club Darts results

Gisborne Club Darts results

INDIVIDUAL HIGHLIGHTS 180s: T Ratapu, F Waihape, J Ahuriri (2NZEF TAO Spartans); I Eyles, T Eyles (RSA Gunz); M Hawea, J Campbell-Ratapu (2NZEF TAO Vikings); T Irwin, T TeKira (Brezzn Gold); K Arahanga (RSA Stallions). HIGH STARTS: 180 — F...

Tatapouri Hill work begins
Gisborne Herald

Tatapouri Hill work begins

Work begins today at Tatapouri Hill, on State Highway 35, to replace a rockfall fence. Stop/go traffic management will be in place and a 30 kmh temporary speed restriction will apply through the area. The project is part of further work on SH35...

Vehicles sought after shootings
Gisborne Herald

Vehicles sought after shootings

Police want to hear about sightings of two vehicles they believe were connected to two separate drive-by shooting incidents in the city last week in which shots were fired at houses. The first incident took place about 9pm on Newton Street, Kaiti...

A fulfilling life with MS

A fulfilling life with MS

Multiple sclerosis is a serious, so-far-incurable condition but treatment, physical therapy and social interaction can ease the symptoms, slow their advance and help make life worth living. John Gillies talks to someone who has learned to live with...

Thanks to the banks

Thanks to the banks

Cyclone Gabrielle wrought destruction across the region but Gisborne itself was saved by a silent hero. Gisborne District Council’s regional river manager Joss Ruifrok reveals their identity . . . Tairāwhiti’s stopbanks are the unsung, unseen...

Prepare for luxurious blooms

Prepare for luxurious blooms

Roses should be having a fabulous flurry of new growth and beautiful blooms. Here’s how to get your roses looking gorgeous for peak flower season in November. Well-fed roses will reward you with lots of growth and flowers. Whether you have a large...

Taste of sunshine

Taste of sunshine

Eat Up New Zealand: The Bach Edition by Al Brown is a revised edition of Al’s iconic book Eat Up New Zealand. This book includes more than 150 delicious recipes especially aimed at easy bach living. My mother used to serve gingernut lemon curd...

Nature’s splendour rules supreme

Nature’s splendour rules supreme

The West Coast serves up many delights for Mike Yardley as he explores the Buller district. The brilliance of Buller is amplified in spring, as the sun-splashed countryside and lush pastures positively vibe with the vivid lime greens of new and...

Nikora named assistant coach of Heartland XV

Nikora named assistant coach of Heartland XV

Miah Nikora has gone from strength to strength in a rugby coaching career that continues to scale new heights. New Zealand Rugby has announced that Nikora will be assistant coach of the Heartland XV squad, with South Canterbury’s Nigel Walsh as...

Key trade partner’s economic troubles

Key trade partner’s economic troubles

The economy of New Zealand’s biggest trading partner has been showing problems for some time and slipped into deflation for the first time in more than two years in July — consumer prices fell 0.3 percent year-on-year — as slowing domestic...

Will you use your freedom this election?

Will you use your freedom this election?

Jonathan Ayling,Free Speech Union chief executive Election season brings all sorts of doubts. One moment, voting can feel like a huge social responsibility, and the next, we wonder if it makes a difference. But the power of democracy is that it’s...

Culinary counteroffensive

Culinary counteroffensive

The French government has just published a decree banning the use of terms like “steak”, “spare ribs” and “ham” on plant-based foods. Sausages and “poultry nuggets” will escape the ban so long as the plant protein content is less...