Latest fromGisborne

NZ’s top groms here for Junior Pro

NZ’s top groms here for Junior Pro

Rising surfers from Ahipara to Dunedin are converging on Gisborne for the latest round of the New Zealand Grom Series — the Sequence Surf Shop Gisborne Junior Pro — this weekend. Scheduled for Makorori’s Red Bus break from tomorrow, the...

Coast fans eager to see teams in action

Coast fans eager to see teams in action

The floodwaters have receded and tomorrow Ngati Porou East Coast men’s club rugby will make its return. “We can’t wait — it’ll be wonderful to get the families out and about, reconnecting in fine weather,” said NPEC president Campbell...

A superstar performance

A superstar performance

We attended the show on Wednesday night and were immediately impressed by the professional set, which became electric once the performers started moving on stage, each of them living their characters. The intensity of the show never once waivered...



Political Transformers, robots in disguise . . . Autobots wage their battle to destroy the evil forces of the Decepticons. Tanith Wirihana Te Waitohioterangi

Backstabbing of the highest degree

Backstabbing of the highest degree

In my view, a person who “jumps ship” without the courtesy of giving any warning deserves utter contempt. That goes for any politician in any party. It is backstabbing of the highest degree, akin to Brutus and Caesar — “Et tu, Brute?” So...

Royal pageantry will be impressive

Royal pageantry will be impressive

Millions of eyes, including a substantial number in New Zealand, will be focused on London tomorrow night for the coronation of King Charles III — a man who has waited most of his life for this moment. If ever a new monarch had a hard act to...

Familiar names at dog trials
Gisborne Herald

Familiar names at dog trials

Tolaga Bay’s George Sheild and Smoke are among several Gisborne competitors putting on a good show at the Tux North Island Sheep Dog Championships at Lochinvar Station near Taupo. In the zigzag hunt Sheild and Smoke collected 98.25 points. Also...

Census data helps decide resourcing

Census data helps decide resourcing

Anti-government sentiment after Covid-19 lockdowns and mandates is being seen as one of the reasons Stats NZ is struggling to reach its goal of 90 percent returns for the 2023 Census. Last reports had the Census response rate at 86 percent with...

Quit the bad-mouthing, NZ rates highly

Quit the bad-mouthing, NZ rates highly

Roger Handford Many of the writers and respondents to letters to the editor seem to live in a peculiarly distorted version of the real world — a world in which factuality and rationality have no place. Those who respond with comments on letters...

RSA thanks Poppy Day supporters
Gisborne Herald

RSA thanks Poppy Day supporters

Gisborne RSA members are feeling “very humble” after a successful Poppy Day collection. Executive manager David Sly said Poppy Day raised just over $21,000, which was slightly down on the previous year. “We are very grateful.” Mr Sly...