Latest fromGisborne

Fuel stations taking advantage?

Fuel stations taking advantage?

I read in The Gisborne Herald that the tax on fuel will be going back to the full rate at the end of June this year. Well, three weeks ago when my wife and I were about to drive to Hamilton Hospital, we filled the car up with 91 and it was $2.35...

More action to tackle climate change

More action to tackle climate change

Climate change is one of the biggest challenges facing Tairāwhiti, and recent extreme weather events have only emphasised the importance of taking action now. Meeting the climate challenge has always been a priority for our Government and we’ve...

‘See us anywhere, anytime’
Gisborne Herald

‘See us anywhere, anytime’

Police have caught 46 drink drivers in this district over the past two weeks and area commander Inspector Sam Aberahama said the results of the checkpoints run were “disappointing”. Between April 20 and 23, 28 drivers were processed for excess...

Barbecue fare from hunting trip
Gisborne Herald

Barbecue fare from hunting trip

Full-time Eastern Institute of Technology (EIT) students processed about 400 venison sausages and 100 meat patties as part of their Outdoor Experiences course at the campus kitchen on Monday. The students had been on a hunting trip and used meat...

Tale of the table unfolds

Tale of the table unfolds

The table begins to tell its story. East Coast Farm Vets YMP will look to make it four wins from four games when they play at their home ground, Barry Park, against Kevin Hollis Glass Pirates tomorrow. Enterprise Cars OBM are the other team looking...

What's the buzz?
Gisborne Herald

What's the buzz?

REVIEW: JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR Civil unrest, alienation, corruption at the highest level — not much has changed since AD33. So co-directors James Packman and LJ Mill have dispensed with sandals and swords for their high-energy production of Jesus...

Sports Draw

Sports Draw

Rugby THE rugby draw for SATURDAY Civil Project Solution Poverty Bay rugby, Premier grade, Week 4. 2.45pm: GT Shearing Waikohu v Earthwork Solutions HSOB, Te Karaka Domain. Referee: Ben Holt. East Coast Farm Vets YMP v Kevin Hollis Glass Pirates...

Ozzie rules: defying nature

Ozzie rules: defying nature

Several countries are fighting the onset of demographic transition, which is the automatic dropping of birth rates and hence population when a certain level of economic security is reached. Australia is reported to be one of those countries. The...

NZ Covid effort saved many lives

NZ Covid effort saved many lives

Those who question the worth of what this nation did to combat Covid-19 should reflect on the death toll in other countries. A comparison using this week’s World Health Organisation (WHO) figures is a stark pointer to the success of what was done...

GDC reviewing Maori land rates
Gisborne Herald

GDC reviewing Maori land rates

A review into how rates are applied to Māori freehold land is under way at Gisborne District Council, with policy changes set to be included in the next long-term plan. It comes on the back of amendments to the Local Government Rating Act which in...

Cleaning up at Tolaga Bay
Gisborne Herald

Cleaning up at Tolaga Bay

Eastland Wood Council contractors, supported by local forestry companies, have been removing wood debris from Tolaga Bay beach since Monday. They started at the surf club end of the beach. Wood council chief executive Philip Hope said the EWC was...