Latest fromGisborne

Robust debate at times degenerates

Robust debate at times degenerates

The first letter to the editor received through our new website yesterday was from a regular correspondent over recent years, signing off because he feels other contributors have been intolerant and attacked people for their opinions with impunity...

Rudeness, intolerance galling

Rudeness, intolerance galling

After 45 years of subscribing to The Gisborne Herald, I have cancelled my subscription. I am 85 years old and probably set in my ways. I am easily written off as pale, pink, aged and cis male. I can no longer stomach the rudeness and intolerance...

Moderate Greens aligned with scientists

Moderate Greens aligned with scientists

Clive Bibby and Graham Gibson fall into the same trap when one uses the word “longevity” and the other “final consequences”, each revealing a shortsighted understanding of such words. The Greens are quite clear that there is no such thing as...

Just lovely

Just lovely

What a lovely woman Marama Davidson has turned out to be — a racist who won’t apologise to the public. The race relations commissioner Meng Foon won’t comment as she is the wrong colour for him to criticise. Her weak-kneed partner James Shaw...

Celebrating World Autism Day
Gisborne Herald

Celebrating World Autism Day

The message shared on World Austism Day on Sunday was that a “one-size-fits-all approach for autism is not warranted”. Autism Spectrum Australia (Aspect) has been told the most important message is that no two autistic people are the same and...

Time to vax is now
Gisborne Herald

Time to vax is now

Winter time is vaccination time. Tairāwhiti health officials have launched their winter immunisation events across the region. “In gearing up for winter we encourage all whānau to pop down to their local GP or community immunisation event to get...



INTENSITY, speed and power added up to great entertainment in the Superstock Challenge at Gisborne Speedway Club’s meeting on Saturday night. The 28 cars put on one of the great shows at the Eastland Group Raceway as they chased the main prize...

Good-sized crowd for kart club champs

Good-sized crowd for kart club champs

KARTING by Rockin’ Robin Eastland Kart Club members held their club champs late last month in fine weather. A good-sized crowd enjoyed watching some great racing. Drivers had a front, middle and back start, and the competitor scoring most points...

Discipline proves costly for Pirates

Discipline proves costly for Pirates

A WELL-structured OBM proved too good for an enthusiastic Pirates in their Poverty Bay premier club season-opener on Saturday. OBM surged to a 45-17 win at the Tiny White Opening Day at Paddy’s Park in Patutahi. Pirates coach Anthony Kiwara said...

Doubling down on service
Gisborne Herald

Doubling down on service

Barnardos combines early childhood education and family support. An Open day tomorrow offers the opportunity for people to check out a new service combining Barnardos Early Learning Services and Child and Family Services under one roof which is...

Waikohu made to work

Waikohu made to work

A CHALLENGE was laid down for Waikohu on Saturday and it was felt. Ngatapa were determined to defend their patch but fell just short as the men from Te Karaka rallied to win their Poverty Bay premier club rugby game 24-19 at Paddy’s Park in...

Busy time for rescue chopper
Gisborne Herald

Busy time for rescue chopper

The Trust Tairawhiti Rescue Helicopter has flown seven missions since last Wednesday. On March 29 the chopper crew responded to a trauma in Tokomaru Bay, where the on-board critical care flight paramedic assessed and treated the patient, who was...

YMP hit ground running

YMP hit ground running

IF you are going to make an early statement, the Tiny White Opening Day is the time to do it. And that is exactly what defending champions YMP did as the Civil Project Solutions Poverty Bay premier club rugby season opened with an entertaining...