Latest fromGisborne

A centre-right coalition that will work

A centre-right coalition that will work

Clive Bibby I have never made a secret of where my political allegiances lie or that l think we need a different government ASAP. But come October, l will put all my energies into trying to persuade anybody who wants to listen that we all have an...

Our wonderful daughter

Our wonderful daughter

My son came to me at age 11 and said she felt like she might be a girl. At the time I felt a number of emotions but a big one was fear and anxiety for her future. When I read some of the recent letters in the Herald, I feel that same sense of fear...

Looney tunes from Greens

Looney tunes from Greens

We all know the Green Party have good intentions, but they don’t seem to have the intelligence to work out the final consequences of their proposals. For instance, they persuaded the Government to pass legislation that will force farmers to reduce...

Colonisation costs, benefits

Colonisation costs, benefits

There have been numerous comments on the consequences of colonisation, mostly on the negative side. I’m wondering if we could have a balanced, polite discussion on the issue. For example, has colonisation been wholly bad, or a mixture of good and...

A new website and newsletter service

A new website and newsletter service

The Gisborne Herald’s digital format takes on a fresh look and some new features from Monday afternoon, as we switch over to a new site at the same web address. Also on Monday we will start an emailed newsletter service for subscribers who want...

Climate crisis undeniable

Climate crisis undeniable

I write this in response to an exchange of views with a contributor who claims to be a climate change believer. The reality of the present climate crisis is undeniable — average global temperatures are increasing due to emissions of greenhouse...

Loving our public library

Loving our public library

This is a letter of appreciation and gratitude to our wonderful HB Williams Memorial Library and the staff who work there. I’ve lived in Gisborne on and off for 14 years and have averaged a visit to the library at least once every three weeks —...

Continuing opinions . . .

Continuing opinions . . .

It seems that this page is used as a vehicle for the nurturing of personal agendas. If the contributors attempt to convert the majority of the residents in our communities to the ideals of the minorities, isn’t it only natural that there will be...

Gisborne Club Darts Association results

Gisborne Club Darts Association results

GISBORNE Club Darts Association results from Tuesday — INDIVIDUAL HIGHLIGHTS 180s: B Leach, T Kaio, J Love 2 (Done n Dusted); R Leach (RSA Outlaws); A Taukamo-Pohio 2 (2NZ Tao Vikings); C Andrews, M Evans (RSA Spandangles); H Ngarangione (RS...

Burials on hold until next week
Gisborne Herald

Burials on hold until next week

Taruheru Cemetery remains closed for burials until later next week because the water table remains too high for new interments. It was confirmed this week by Evans Funeral Services owner David Parker, on direction from Gisborne District Council...

Chance to be the next Taika
Gisborne Herald

Chance to be the next Taika

Would-be film-makers are enjoying the opportunity to study a new Level 5 New Zealand Diploma in Screen Production course in Tairāwhiti. The one-year full-time course is being offered jointly by Eastern Institute of Technology (EIT) and Rangai...

Mundane March a little sunnier
Gisborne Herald

Mundane March a little sunnier

After two months of devastating weather to start the year, the first quarter has ended with a fairly mundane March. The one redeeming feature of March was that at last the rain taps were turned off. The month totalled about 45 millimetres, which is...

‘Remarkable together’
Gisborne Herald

‘Remarkable together’

That is what it says on the shirts of several of this group from Lytton High School who started a 24-hour Relay For Life Cancer Society fundraiser at the school yesterday. Students, staff and supporters have got behind the event which involves all...

Vegetation fire at Manutuke
Gisborne Herald

Vegetation fire at Manutuke

FIREFIGHTERS from Gisborne and Manutuke responded to what was initially reported as an “explosion” at Rickards Garage at Manutuke yesterday afternoon, but turned out to be a fire that spread to vegetation. Fire and Emergency NZ sent an appliance...

Driving force in women’s cricket retires

Driving force in women’s cricket retires

For 20 years, Mel Knight has been a driving force for cricket here. Her announcement that she would retire from playing and coaching came as a bolt from the blue. It came the day after Horouta Te Waka’s six-wicket Senior B semifinal loss to...