Latest fromGisborne

Aberdeen Rd ill-suited to cycleway

Aberdeen Rd ill-suited to cycleway

Once more the proposed cycleway is bringing much correspondence to your office. An issue that does require thought before any decision is made is the fact Aberdeen Road has several establishments catering to many residents who are retired, infirm or...

Bumper turnout expected at dig
Gisborne Herald

Bumper turnout expected at dig

More than 1000 children are expected to turn out tomorrow for the More FM annual pirate treasure beach dig. A Facebook video showing what to expect at the beach dig had been seen by 4000 people, said Wainui Lions director of publicity Ian Stewart. He...

Counting cars for NZ champs . . . 43 so far

Counting cars for NZ champs . . . 43 so far

SPEEDWAYThe Professional Fleet Maintenance New Zealand Production Saloon Car Championships to be staged at Eastland Group Raceway on January 18 and 19 have so far attracted 43 entries.“We’ve got them coming from all over the country, including...

Whangara run ends

Whangara run ends

YMP ended Whangara Old Girls' 2021 unbeaten streak in Premier Grade netball on Saturday with a clearcut 11-point victory in the final round of grading. However, Whangara's No. 1 side remained in first spot on the ladder due to a superior goal...

St Pete’s: Seat of imperial Russia

St Pete’s: Seat of imperial Russia

Phil and Sue Newdick continue relating their travels in Russia and the Baltic . . .We were not disappointed with St Petersburg, but we found the claim that it was more impressive than Moscow incorrect. We found both cities wonderful — St Pete’s...

Olympic incentive

Olympic incentive

The 2020 Olympics are very much in the minds of the strongest New Zealand team in over a decade named for the World Surfing Games in Japan. Gisborne-Mahia’s Ricardo Christie and World Championship Tour surfer Paige Hareb are among the six-strong...

Log boat Portland Bay on her way
Gisborne Herald

Log boat Portland Bay on her way

The log boat Portland Bay was alongside the Eastland Port wharf this morning ready for departure at around 11am to load further cargo in Tauranga. Her place at the wharf was to be taken around midday by the logger ES Venus which has been at anchor...

Revised draw for hockey tournament

Revised draw for hockey tournament

The withdrawal of a team has meant the Noel Morrow under-13 boys’ and Mini Tupara u13 girls’ tournaments have had to be changed to round-robin format. The new draw is —SATURDAY3.30pm: Tauranga A v Tauranga Development (Noel Morrow).4pm: Bay of...

Love daffodils, love Gisborne
Gisborne Herald

Love daffodils, love Gisborne

OVER 1000 daffodil blooms were shown off in Gisborne at the weekend. Poverty Bay Horticultural Society hosted the North Island National Daffodil Show at Showgrounds Park Event Centre where 1098 blooms were displayed on 120 metres of three-tier...

Wash, squash, lids off
Gisborne Herald

Wash, squash, lids off

Waste Management staff are this week applying stickers to recycling bins to inform the community what can go out with kerbside recycling. From June 1, only grades 1 and 2 plastics can be recycled. Grades 3 to 7 need to go in with general rubbish. With...

Speeding in Stout Street

Speeding in Stout Street

I was away for a time and on return thought the speed limit on Stout Street, from Roebuck Road to MacLean Street, had been increased from 50kmh to 70kmh. Apparently not, officially. I am prepared to pay for installation of a speed camera at the...

Simple solution that saves lives

Simple solution that saves lives

Life has become more complicated since the Covid-19 pandemic began. Massively so for many people. New Zealand is now on a fast-track to unwinding the complications via the simple (for us) solution of mass immunisation with a safe and highly-effective...

The day the sun stood still

The day the sun stood still

The moment the South Pole is aimed furthest away from the sun on the 23.5 degree tilt of the Earth’s axis party animals will cut loose in the industrial subdivision. The shortest day of the year will be marked — possibly permanently scarred —...

Rehiring part of healing

Rehiring part of healing

Well, who would have thought? Not only have I been able to get a letter regarding the mandated-out nurses having to be rehired printed in the NZ Herald (24/10/22), but that paper itself is now questioning the efficacy of the current vaccines, which...

The steam team
Gisborne Herald

The steam team

BIG toys for the boys. That's how steam locomotive enthusiast Trevor Jukes describes the motivation and fun for the team of volunteers behind Gisborne City Vintage Railway Society (GCVRS).Their pride and sense of history is keeping Wa165 operating...



I rang ED on Sunday afternoon at around 4.20pm because a family member, who is diabetic, had a sudden bleed in his eye affecting his sight . . . the receptionist was most unhelpful and said the staff concerned would be back on January 4...

Create your own garden of remembrance

Create your own garden of remembrance

Autumn weather is perfect for gardening and at this time of year there are so many plants to choose from. Happy gardening. Time to sow Flanders PoppiesNovember 11th will commemorate the centenary of Armistice Day, which is the date when the First...

On the mats — indoor bowls news

On the mats — indoor bowls news

Bryan Pulley, Akuhata Keelan, Sian Williams and Hina Preddey won the biggest fours event on the Poverty Bay-East Coast Bowls calendar — the Robieson Fours — in a cliff-hanger of a final. A deciding end was needed to find the champions, who beat...

Worlds entwine in Wairoa

Worlds entwine in Wairoa

Ta moko and Celtic patterns twine with one another across Wairoa artist Craig Gemmell’s new mural for the town’s college.“The college wanted something that illustrated the uniqueness of Wairoa’s heritage,” he told The Wairoa Star. The...

Hort diploma on offer online
Gisborne Herald

Hort diploma on offer online

Enrolments for the 2021 intake for training in Horticulture are being taken now.“The horticulture industry's growth means businesses require more people in management and technical roles to lead their teams and support growers to become more...