Latest fromGisborne

Stepping into the lives of others

Stepping into the lives of others

The number of children on the waiting list for Big Brothers Big Sisters (BBBS) of Gisborne Tairāwhiti is growing, and new mentors are needed. Kim Parkinson talked to coordinator Tiffany Zyp on the programme’s one-year anniversary. Tiffany Zyp...

Flourish through winter

Flourish through winter

Prepare your garden for winter with these essential tips to ensure your plants thrive even in colder months. Winter can be a hard time for plants, especially in cold areas. And even in the warmer parts, plants can find the winter months hard going...

Crunchy perfection

Crunchy perfection

Craving the wholesome goodness of granola without wanting to spend too much? Look no further. This home-made granola recipe not only saves you money but also allows for endless customisation. I love granola, but I certainly do not love the price of...

Headliners in South Dakota

Headliners in South Dakota

Mike Yardley shares the enchanting fusion of art and nature found in South Dakota’s Black Hills. Rising from the western South Dakota plains, the Black Hills region beckons like an emerald isle in a sea of prairie, serving up a swirl of headline...

Our labour market, social indicators

Our labour market, social indicators

More people are receiving JobSeeker Support payments in Tairāwhiti but our unemployment rate remains at 4.5 percent — the same as in 2022 — there was a smidgen of employment growth last year, and our young people are more likely to be in...

We reap what we sow

We reap what we sow

Clive Bibby Some readers may misinterpret this as responding to current editorial policy. That would be a mistake. I accept the editor’s absolute right to determine what is acceptable to this newspaper and what is not. However, while l will admit...

Flood mitigation vs buyouts

Flood mitigation vs buyouts

The front-page article last weekend prompted me to think about home buyouts versus flooding mitigation. Since my previous submission on flooding issues, I have learned that the water level upstream of the log dam on the Gladstone Road Bridge reached...

They’re not ‘crossings’

They’re not ‘crossings’

When is a crossing not a crossing? Leaving the chicken out of it — when it does not comply with the law. In the recent hoo-ha over some coloured stripes, commentators have referred to that piece of road as a crossing. By inference, it appears they...

They went down fighting

They went down fighting

Gisborne Boys’ High School put Kelston BHS to the acid test yesterday. Auckland powerhouse Kelston scored five unanswered tries in a 27-15 win against a gallant GBHS first 15 under game-day captain, tighthead prop Whetu McGhee. They were kept in...

Six decades of voluntary instruction

Six decades of voluntary instruction

Dedication to pony club across 60 years has been recognised with the presentation to Shirley Hyland of the Volunteers Long Service Award from the New Zealand Pony Club Association. It celebrates the instruction and advice she has given many...

On the mats

On the mats

Gisborne indoor bowlers made their presence felt at a “mini nationals” tournament in Napier over Easter Weekend. Dylan Foster played magnificently to reach the final of the singles. Foster, 18, was up against South Island team representative...

Sparks from welding started fire
Gisborne Herald

Sparks from welding started fire

Sparks from some welding set off a fire that extensively damaged a shed on a property in Collins Street in Te Hapara on Thursday afternoon. Fire and Emergency NZ sent two appliances to the property at around 2pm that afternoon after neighbours saw...

Prices ease slightly
Gisborne Herald

Prices ease slightly

There was a total yarding of 2105 sheep at the Matawhero saleyards yesterday, including 1871 store lambs, and prices eased slightly on the sale two weeks ago. MW & AM Flood topped that section, selling 46 heavy, recently shorn ram lambs for...

For when nature calls
Gisborne Herald

For when nature calls

Raukūmara Pae Maunga, the kaupapa working to restore the Raukūmara Ranges to how they were before pests, have been installing infrastructure within the bush to help with the mahi. They are working on Te Ara Tīpuna, a 500km heritage trail being...

Chances of quake, tsunami outlined
Gisborne Herald

Chances of quake, tsunami outlined

THERE is no stopping a tsunami or predicting when one will occur, but the warning signs will be there, says Kate Boersen of Illuminate Science. She was giving a presentation at the Māhia Golf Club in the first stop of the Hikurangi M9 Roadshow. The...

Easter hunt a roaring success
Gisborne Herald

Easter hunt a roaring success

by Ryan O’Sullivan Woolly fleeces, cool beverages and record numbers of entries and game weighed made for a successful Tiniroto Easter Game Hunt. Celebrating their 20th anniversary, the hunt had 488 registrations with 369 animals weighed. Of the...