Latest fromGisborne

Hot bands and cool brews

Hot bands and cool brews

Expect some top notch live music to go with the cold brews at the 5th Annual Gisborne Beer Festival coming to the Gisborne Soundshell on Easter Saturday. Festival-goers are promised a selection of beers from some of New Zealand’s top breweries and...

Call for water-only policy at all schools

Call for water-only policy at all schools

Renewed calls by dentists for a ban on soft drinks in schools should be heeded, backed up as they are by damning statistics. New Zealand Dental Association spokesman Dr Rob Beaglehole says soft drinks are “decimating” the country’s children...

Noordam sails on by
Gisborne Herald

Noordam sails on by

The heavy southerly swell in Turanganui-a-Kiwa/Poverty Bay forced the cancellation of the cruise ship Noordam’s visit to Gisborne yesterday. A ships’ agent said the skipper decided on Tuesday that sea conditions would be too difficult. The big...

Iwi seeks plan about lake weed
Gisborne Herald

Iwi seeks plan about lake weed

Tūhoe say Genesis has ignored a promise to engage with them on an invasive weed growing in Lake Waikaremoana, in northern Hawke’s Bay. “We spoke to them, we wrote to them, and they ignored any response,” a Tūhoe iwi representative said. The...

A good yarn . . . with a few holes
Gisborne Herald

A good yarn . . . with a few holes

In 1936 a Leap Year proposal of marriage to a Gisborne nonagenarian gained attention in newspapers in both new Zealand and Australia. The newspaper articles generated further marriage proposals, and the recipient — 97-year-old Isaiah McSaveney —...

Gisborne Herald


Gisborne’s three clubs won more than 20 national titles between them over the three days of the New Zealand surf lifesaving championships at Mount Maunganui last weekend

Kainga Ora told to strike new balance

Kainga Ora told to strike new balance

The Government’s crackdown on unruly state house tenants will be welcomed by many long-suffering neighbours, some of whom are living a nightmare existence — but will it still leave a huge social problem? The Housing and Finance Ministers have...

A slow-moving, silent revolution

A slow-moving, silent revolution

Last year, our population boomed. After two years of anaemic population growth, 2023 saw the country grow by a whopping 2.8 percent or 145,100 people. We haven’t seen anything like this amount of growth for at least a generation. But this was...

Hard to keep up lately

Hard to keep up lately

Re: Ex-MP, not ex-Green MP — March 19 letter. Gosh, it’s been so hard to keep up lately: First we have Dr Elizabeth Kerekere, ex-Green MP, then ex-MP. Then we have Golriz Ghahraman, Green, ex-MP. Now we have Darleen Tama, Green MP — Suspended...

Underinvestment costly

Underinvestment costly

People have voted for those who say they’ll hold rates or those who don’t increase taxes for decades. As a consequence, there hasn’t been enough money to pay for new infrastructure or maintenance — even though money did need to be spent...