Latest fromGisborne

Whiteman, McIlroy go undefeated in pairs

Whiteman, McIlroy go undefeated in pairs

Glenys Whiteman and Boon McIlroy were the only pair to win all eight of their games in the Val Smith 2-4-2 Mixed Pairs Tournament played at Poverty Bay and Gisborne bowling clubs. Trevor Mills presented the Evelyn Mills Memorial Trophy to Whiteman...

No backdating in coalition backtrack

No backdating in coalition backtrack

The admission by Act leader David Seymour that he has had to backtrack on a coalition agreement regarding interest deductibility for landlords may throw some light on how our first three-party Government will work. Under the Government’s recent...

What Newshub’s death really means

What Newshub’s death really means

by Jason Heale Maxim Institute The recent announcement that Newshub will shut down its news broadcasting operations elicits understandable disappointment. Three hundred jobs will be lost, many of them recognisable faces like newsreader Mike...

Progress under Labour, taking by National

Progress under Labour, taking by National

by Mary-Ann de Kort Some think that the poor are in the gutter and love to wait for government handouts. This is my response to them. Mary-Ann de Kort So, how do you think people can get out of that gutter? Or do you like them being there so you can...

Shipping news
Gisborne Herald

Shipping news

The MS Nautica is the next cruise ship to visit Gisborne and makes her maiden visit here on Thursday. She will arrive from Tauranga, anchor in the Bay for the day, then sail for Wellington that evening. In other shipping news, charter ship Kakariki...

Picking up the landfill challenge

Picking up the landfill challenge

Gisborne District Council’s draft 2024 Infrastructure Strategy that recently came into the public domain brought with it news of a renewed effort to build a district landfill, and a plan to spend a further $6.5 million at the Kiwa Pools —...

Ninth record month . . .

Ninth record month . . .

Friday was a memorable day. It was reported yesterday that globally, February was the ninth successive month to reach record-breaking temperatures. February 2024 was 1.7C warmer than pre-industrial times. It was also reported that the world’s se...

Rail ripped up at Nūhaka

Rail ripped up at Nūhaka

I am writing to tell you and your readers that all the rail track has been ripped up at the former Nūhaka rail station. I guess the Gizzy to Wairoa Link will stay mothballed for years before it is officially closed. I think Rail Action Groups and...

Flocks flying to the west . . .

Flocks flying to the west . . .

I have a question for any ornithological experts in your readership. I live in Lytton West and each morning I awake around 7am and pull back the drapes to see what the day has to offer. On good days, I notice multiple flocks of birds varying in size...