Latest fromGisborne

Sweet and spicy surprise

Sweet and spicy surprise

Enjoy the unexpected delight of Garam Masala Chocolate Chunk Cookies — where traditional spices meet indulgent sweetness in every bite. When musing on spices and flavour I had an idea for a garam masala cookie, then pushed it away as madness...

It’s raining gold

It’s raining gold

A “gold rush” by Gisborne youngsters at the Oceans 24 junior surf lifesaving nationals at Mt Maunganui gathered momentum yesterday. They won six more gold medals to go with the two they won on the opening day. Remarkably three of the golds won...

Promoting region as a living laboratory

Promoting region as a living laboratory

A briefing document for the Tairāwhiti Tomorrow Together summit yesterday, titled “2023 and Beyond”, promotes the region as having characteristices that make it “an ideal area for the Government to build partnerships which are focused on...

Accolades for new play

Accolades for new play

Congratulations to local playwright Susan Partington and Evolution Theatre for their latest production Beachfront Reality, which held its world premiere on Thursday night in front of a packed house. This impressive play deserves a national airing...

Gains far outweigh losses

Gains far outweigh losses

Re: Predators beware, February 21 page 2 story. I commend East Coast iwi Ngati Porou and Te Whānau-ā-Apanui, who partnered with Te Papa Atawhai Department of Conservation (DoC), for their efforts on this project. As written, dealing with...

No closer to MidEast solution

No closer to MidEast solution

Looking at all the unenforceable edicts coming from the UN and the International Court of Justice, it seems the world is no further towards even a temporary solution to the Gaza conflict. The most practical solution in the short term is a safety...

Opportunities abound

Opportunities abound

Clive Bibby I can’t remember a time during the past two decades when opportunities for completing long overdue projects across so many different spheres of society were there for the taking. Yet, if you watched or read the daily news you would...

Last woman standing: Nikki Haley

Last woman standing: Nikki Haley

Gwynne Dyer “I refuse to quit. I feel no need to kiss the ring,” said Nikki Haley defiantly. She was talking about Donald Trump’s ring, of course, because she is predicted to lose the Republican presidential primary vote on Saturday in South...

MPs agree on need for a plan
Gisborne Herald

MPs agree on need for a plan

We need a plan,” say the Labour and National MPs for the district. East Cape National MP Dana Kirkpatrick and Ikaroa-Rawhiti Labour MP Cushla Tangaere-Manuel found common ground yesterday at the Tairāwhiti Together Tomorrow Summit. The morning...

Tutumatai to be monitor farm
Gisborne Herald

Tutumatai to be monitor farm

Tutumatai Station, located in Ruatoria, has been confirmed by Beef+LNZ as a local Whenua Māori monitor farm under the programme title “He Kai Kei Aku Ringa”. B+LNZ’s Māori agribusiness adviser Pania King championed Tutumatai Station being...

Smooth sailing at Kiwa Pools
Gisborne Herald

Smooth sailing at Kiwa Pools

Kiwa Pools, operating for the past five months, has proved popular with users and Gisborne District Council. “We’re really thrilled,” liveable communities director Michele Frey told Gisborne District Council’s operations committee on...

Name change for kindergarten
Gisborne Herald

Name change for kindergarten

Rakakao is the new name of Pickering Street Kindergarten in Kaiti. Head teacher Donny Manuel said the kindergarten had been on a journey with local artist, historian and district councillor Nick Tupara to learn more about the area they are in. They...

Summit today a key step in our rebuild

Summit today a key step in our rebuild

The region has a major opportunity today to start bringing the new Government alongside in helping to meet the challenges of recovery from Cyclone Gabrielle and other recent severe weather events, and to build resilience for the future, at the...

Pest threats mounting

Pest threats mounting

The headline “Research identifies weed as a billion-dollar potential threat” (Rural News, February 1, 2024) refers to the potential sleeper weed Chilean needle grass (Nassella neesiana) that is now established in Hawke’s Bay, Canterbury and...