Latest fromGisborne

Water backs up from below the Taruheru

Water backs up from below the Taruheru

John Wells Re: Taruheru a primary waterway, solution required — February 1. I totally agree, and have never said or thought otherwise. Murray McPhail’s opinion piece reflects a robust discussion I enjoyed with him by phone. What I have been...

Reefs, shores infused with mana and tapu

Reefs, shores infused with mana and tapu

Kia ora. An inspiring Gisborne Herald article “Back on Board”, concerning Maz Quinn’s life-threatening surfing experience and amazing recovery from the mighty Māhia reefs. These reefs and surrounding shores are infused with mana and tapu from...

Humans being as they are . . .

Humans being as they are . . .

While one hopes that the ruling and orders given by the International Court of Justice in relation to the Israel-Hamas war will provide at least some humanitarian benefits, I believe such benefits will be few and slow in coming. Human nature being...

Thanks for help after fall from e-bike

Thanks for help after fall from e-bike

I fell from my e-bike near the corner of Cook Street and Gladstone Road on February 1 and suffered a mild concussion. A huge thanks to the three people who got me and my bike to the side of the road and ensured that help arrived. You know who you...

Iran-US: What a man’s gotta do

Iran-US: What a man’s gotta do

Gwynne Dyer In the immediate aftermath of the massacre of 1140 Israeli civilians by Hamas terrorists last October, US President Joe Biden went to Israel and gave Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu some good advice. “While you feel rage...

Tāne lead TAK tourney charge

Tāne lead TAK tourney charge

Gisborne Basketball Association teams performed strongly at the national Māori Poitūkohu tournament. The 15 Tūranganui-a-Kiwa teams representing the association at Rotorua did themselves proud in both the rangatahi (youth) and taipakeke (adult)...

Singed pork sparks alarm
Gisborne Herald

Singed pork sparks alarm

Several pigs in the process of being singed sparked an unusual callout for Gisborne firefighters early yesterday morning when they and police responded to an incident in Endcliffe Road in Kaiti. Calls about it came in at around 5am. “On arrival we...

Cruise ship visit No.14
Gisborne Herald

Cruise ship visit No.14

Gisborne hosts the cruise ship Silver Muse again tomorrow, with the vessel due to go to anchor in the Bay in the morning, arriving from Akaroa. A ships’ agent spokesman said forecast sea conditions might play a part in the 14th cruise ship visit...

Child dental care reassurance
Gisborne Herald

Child dental care reassurance

Two mobile dental trucks will be heading to Gisborne’s urban and western rural schools in Term One and talks are being held with other school principals to provide a similar service. Te Whatu Ora Tairāwhiti interim hospital lead Bhargav...

Heart connection

Heart connection

When Louis Baker creates his soulful music he draws on nature. “The earth, water and sun are fuel for creativity for me,” he says. And it’s not something he ever takes for granted. “Having space and time to create music seems like such...

A journey to remember

A journey to remember

If the tidbits you’ve seen promoting Kōpū have caught your attention, hold on tight because the show itself is set to deliver something that makes you laugh until you cry, contemplate how others see things, and will certainly leave you wanting...

Love, survival and connection

Love, survival and connection

An evening with award-winning artist and producer Seth Haapu is wrapped in aroha, healing and connection. His music, which is part of the Whiti offering from Te Tairāwhiti Arts Festival, is a rich, sensuous and evocative blend of Pacific soul...

Returning to England as champions

Returning to England as champions

Husband and wife Rob and Maureen Hicklin will recall their sporting highlights as well as family gatherings when they head back to England. They come to Gisborne for a few months each year to spend time with family. On this trip they joined with...

Labour’s view on Aukus important

Labour’s view on Aukus important

Moving New Zealand closer to our allies Australia, the US and UK by joining the Aukus alliance would be controversial but it does make sense. Defence Minister Judith Collins — who travelled to Australia with Foreign Minister Winston Peters...

Investing for the future

Investing for the future

On December 15th, 1975, then Prime Minister Sir Robert Muldoon cancelled the 37-week-old compulsory New Zealand Superannuation Scheme, introduced by the previous Labour Government. This fund would have provided the infrastructure piggy bank we so...