Latest fromHBT - Opinion

Mike Williams: Great comedic talent will be missed
John Clarke spent nearly his entire brilliant career in Australia but he was a kiwi.

Mike Taylor: What Brexit may mean
"Are EU joking?" This was one of the headlines that greeted me in the UK papers.

Bradley: No bomb but Auckland blows up
Eva Bradley: Only crime worse than rising house prices is a disaster that doesn't deliver.

Bill Dalton: NCC committed to honouring those who gave their lives
NCC is committed to honouring those who have gone before.

Long may our freedoms continue
Marriage, in the traditional formalised sense, has never sat well with Bruce Bisset.

Editorial: Join the fight against evil drug
The eradication of this scourge should be a top priority.

I beg to differ with the police
Columnist Anendra Singh is baffled about a "routine" police stop.

Dr Nick Smith: A national plan for cleaner freshwater
Freshwater is one of New Zealand's key strategic assets.

Jordan Williams: Budget is a chance for major tax reset
For the average earner, a $26 per week tax cut is simply a catch up to the 2010 status quo

Hats off to the stormbusters
OPINION: Doff your hats to the workers and the volunteers

Malcolm Dixon: Havelock North and Hastings need to get what their deserve
The greater the pressure the more likelihood of getting a positive result.

Eva Bradley: The me who used to be
Who am I? Who are you? And are any of us who we used to be?

Tim Gilbertson: The moment you've all been waiting for
The most important decision in a generation.

Will real SBW please stand up in Super Rugby?
At face value, SBW's "collar-gate" is commendable but how deep is his faith in Islam?

Support your local (water) sheriff
Don't shoot the Hawke's Bay Regional Council for trying to care, writes Bruce Bisset.

Council must be upfront on contamination
Council website pre-empts the findings of the government water inquiry.

Dorothy Pilkington: Heart of heritage building wiped out
Where is this promised inspirational new war memorial space?

Editorial: We need to keep our kids safe
Anything that protects our young people is good, writes Andrew Austin.

Editorial: Mission Concert a great success
It has been a two-year wait, but it is safe to say that the Mission Concert is back.

Eva Bradley: Experience is the key to baby success
One answer that fixes most problems - chill the heck out.

Mike Williams: There is only one Winston
Very few politicians get to be known by only one name.