Latest fromHBT - Opinion

Bruce Bisset: False hope won't help the fallen
many homeless suffer from some form of addiction, and/or mental or physical impairment, so unless there is an holistic approach it can only provide a bed, not a life, writes Bruce Bisset.

Editorial: Shelter response heartening
It is quite heartening the way our readers have responded to our Limitless Emergency Shelter Appeal to help the Swannell Family, writes andrew Austin.

Editorial: Essence lost as older buildings go
Tommo's Restaurant on Stortford Lodge is no more. At 35-odd- years young, the quirky piece of Hastings architecture was demolished via excavator. Change is inevitable, says Mark Story.

Bruce Bisset: Good time to talk about new flag
As much as it seems designed to distract from the increasingly bizarre political life, debate on whether to change the flag threatens to consume more of our time, writes Bruce Bisset.

Editorial: Cycle cash great news for region
Our region has received a big boost with the news that extensions to the Napier and Hastings iWay network will be built sooner than planned.

Editorial: Bravery in seeking out justice
Last week we heard from a young brave woman who took the stand to give her side of an argument that unfolded after a throwaway comment about a young man, writes Tracey Chatterton.

Anendra Singh: Highlanders Super act
I have already declared the Highlanders the 2015 champions regardless of who may go down in the history books as the titleholders, writes Anendra Singh.