Latest fromHBT - Opinion

Editorial: $20m to open Opera House again a big ask
Spending a large amount of money on something is always cause for debate. When that "amount of money" comes in at around $20 million well, yes, there will be talk, says Roger Moroney.

Bruce Bisset: We're big enough to register truth
Next Wednesday is the deadline for submissions on what to do about climate change, and if we leave them to it, the government will do nothing, says Bruce Bisset.

Editorial: Leaders should not wait
I understand that the mayors co-operate in the mayoral forum, but the reaction I have had from readers and the wider public in the last few days is that it is not enough, writes Austin.

Bruce Bisset: Create 'potential' in regions, too
Bruce Bisset writes: There's only one answer that makes any sense as to why people live in Auckland: potential. And tt's not for its vibrant nightlife.

Greg Neill: Budget lacks property tax detail
Many of us were expecting some further detail around the tax changes for residential property investment, writes Greg Neill.

Editorial: A mixed bag of a Budget
Finance Minister Bill English's seventh Budget speech delivered to Parliament yesterday had a sweet and sour taste to it.