Latest fromHBT - Opinion

Bruce Bisset: Rich greed ruining rich green
It's hard trying to be responsible towards the planet that birthed us when so many fellow humans seem to regard her merely as a playpit, writes Bruce Bisset.

Editorial: Cyclone to get mixed reception
The definition of bad weather is debatable and there were numerous definitions being bandied about yesterday.The conjecture was courtesy of Tropical Cyclone Pam , writes Mark Story.

Bruce Bisset: Survey shows farce we face
Forget the increasingly bitter parochial arguments about amalgamation. It's now obvious the result is a foregone conclusion, writes Bruce Bisset.

Editorial: No excuse for act of violence
What sort of message does the sentence handed down to Jacob Patrick Broderick for his part in a brutal attack on a Hastings man send our young ones?

Bruce Bisset: Right's rhetoric rings hollow
Bruce Bisset: To tell Labour leader Andrew Little to "get some guts and join the right side", guts is what Prime Minister John Key and his followers seem, for the most part, to lack.

Editorial: Captain courageous wins hearts
Author Bill Bryson said he disagreed that the English invented cricket as a way of making all other human endeavours look interesting and lively, writes Mark Story.