Latest fromHBT - Opinion

Bruce Bisset: Fight extremism at all levels
The problem with religious holidays is that so often the core message - in this case, peace and love - gets lost amid the trappings of religious and commercial power.

Editorial: Boxing up memories of savings
Boxing Day is now the busiest shopping day of the year for many retailers. How times have changed, writes Linda Hall.

Bruce Bisset: West behaviour as bad as Isis
Bruce Bisset: As the chances of a terrorist incident erupting in our midst increase, it is all too easy to blame the evil of Islamic State and other Middle Eastern militants.

Editorial: All seasons in four days this week
Roger Moroney writes: Well, it's not quite a one-day thing here in Hawke's Bay but over the past four days we have had all four seasons.

Bruce Bisset: Mess of blind parochialism
The unwholesome discharges coming from the central Hawke's Bay sewage scheme are a classic example of why we need councils to provide oversight and direction each to the other.

Editorial: Act now to clean up our river
One of the first places of natural beauty I encountered when I moved to Hawke's Bay was the Tukituki River.