Latest fromHBT - Opinion

Editorial: Protect vulnerable from abuse
As a St John ambulance officer Chris King used the instant trust that organisation engenders to prey on women who were in very vulnerable emotional states, writes Andrew Austin.

Bruce Bisset: See what we're doing to ocean
Naively we believe the sea will sustain itself no matter what we do. But the hard fact is, we are killing the oceans, writes Bruce Bisset.

Editorial: Boaties must put safety first
Andrew Austin writes: All people using boats this summer need to realise that the ocean needs to be taken seriously.

Bruce Bisset: Let's sing out for our musos
Bruce Bisset writes: Spending time with old friends is precious, especially if, as with me, there are few who really qualify and it's often decades between meetings.

Editorial: Thought needed for war on Isis
These days, the Islamic State (Isis), which is a big threat to peace, is pure evil - we need to do everything to ensure Isis does not bring its terror here, writes Andrew Austin.

Editorial: Let's get to the top of lists
Wouldn't it be great if we could look at a set of regional comparisons and see that Hawke's Bay was ahead of the pack?

Bruce Bisset: Teen teaches world lessons
Awarding the Nobel Peace Prize to young Pakistani student activist Malala Yousafzai reminds that the cost of education is literally measured in lives, writes Bruce Bisset.

Editorial: Justice can be elusive for victims
Even though it is guided by precedent and process, the judicial system by its very nature will never be satisfactory to those who demand or deserve justice, writes Andrew Austin.