Latest fromHBT - Opinion

Bruce Bisset: Non-voters holding sway
For those of us concerned about democracy, the fact the Grey Party won the election should dominate any review.

Editorial: New brand links media excellence
APN New Zealand, the company that owns Hawke's Bay Today has changed its name and from this week will be known as New Zealand Media and Entertainment, or NZME.

Editorial: Kids aren't all that bad after all ...
There's been much written and said about the youth of today. Some say they are spoilt brats who wouldn't know what a hard day's work was if it hit them in the face.

Anendra Singh: Reality of sports dreams
The seductive allure of a dream lucrative career in sport can be a fatal attraction.

Simon Lusk: Highs and lows in our region
The three general seats in Hawke's Bay are marginal seats that swung to National in 2005. Two of them were held and one swung back

Bruce Bisset: Climate of debate lacking
Bruce Bisset writes: Elephants of the political persuasion have a habit of making themselves all too visible at election time.

Editorial: Weekend big one for contests
Greg Taipari writes: I'm looking forward to the weekend with three big events happening in the Bay. Obviously there is the election.

Bruce Bisset: Not voting is meek surrender
Bruce Bisset: Sadly this election is more likely to be lost than won by anyone, simply because of the non-voters.

Editorial: Blazing a trail for us to follow
From what I've seen, heroes are usually wallflowers and that's why the word "reluctant" is typically inserted before "hero", writes Mark Story.

Zarah Otto: Speak up for the voiceless
This morning I woke up and suddenly realised that I have spent more than half of my life trying to save Marineland's animals.

Editorial: Spring, and Magpies are on the wing
Spring - it can make you do silly things.