Latest fromHBT - Opinion

Bruce Bisset: Nats have buried us in debt
Bruce Bisset writes: Dirty Politics may have obscured issues of policy in the campaign to date, but given all politicians present sweetened or poisoned views on their or others' planks.

Editorial: High-brow chow low on reality
For breakfast it was a New York cut of home-kill liver. Lunch consisted of green beans with duck eggs. Dinner, a mystery portion of sheep.

Editorial: Brave girls see justice for teacher
There must have been a sense of relief from all affected by the disgusting behaviour of former school teacher Charles Harter when he pleaded guilty to indecent assault.

Bruce Bisset: Teflon John feeling the heat
Another long week in politics and the Prime Minister has shifted from being Teflon John to being almost entirely transparent

Editorial: Catching aquatic superstars
The more I read up on the five species known as whitebait, the more mysterious these juveniles become, writes Mark Story.

Editorial: Chance to question candidates
What a dirty few weeks in politics it has been and it certainly makes the elections very interesting.

Anendra Singh: Knocking on door of common sense
In precisely 26min 44 sec into the opening Bledisloe Cup test match in Sydney last Saturday night, a nation must have held its breath.