Latest fromHBT - Opinion

Linda Hall: World War I had tragic cost
One Hundred years ago today World War I began when Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia. The war lasted four years and is ranked among the deadliest conflicts in human history.

Editorial: Learn how you can save a life
As a former ambulance officer I know how essential it is for every member of the public to learn how to do CPR.

Bruce Bisset: Better to be forthright radical
The trouble with David Cunliffe is his first response to bitchiness and provocation is to adopt the measured tones of a reasonable man

Editorial: Society's changing attitudes
When I was a child, I can clearly remember sitting in the back seat of my parents' car without a seatbelt on or riding my bicycle without a helmet.

Bruce Bisset: There's a line not to cross
Conflicts of interest are a potential minefield for anyone in a decision-making role, especially for those in public office.

Editorial: Ultimate disrespect to veterans
Lest We Forget, three simple words, put together they mean so much to New Zealanders and Australians alike.