Latest fromHBT - Opinion
Bruce Bisset: Society rewards the bully
Bullies come in all shapes, sizes, classes and genders and, on the whole, the bullying behaviour learned at school stays with a person long after they leave.
Editorial: Police left to undo bad cop's harm
Adam Dunnett will have plenty of time to reflect on the damage he has caused the New Zealand Police and the vulnerable teenage girls he preyed on.
Bruce Bisset: Seeing light no political sin
Ever noticed how when someone from a working-class background becomes a right-wing greed merchant they're lauded a self-made success?
Will Foley: Dammed if you do, damned if you don't
The dam rally last week was successful on many counts, not least the outcome with yesterday's regional council investment decision.
Editorial: Cases show importance of free press
The right of journalists to do their work without harassment or threats is obviously something I hold dear.
Bruce Bisset: Applying democratic pressure
The Ruataniwha Water Storage Scheme argy-bargy that is, with everyone up to and including the Prime Minister taking side it's hard to know which bit of what is right.