Latest fromHBT - Opinion
Bruce Bisset: Arctic warmth creates big freeze
What I love (not!) about climate change deniers is how they cherry-pick data in a very superficial way and then overstate their misinterpretation of it, writes Bruce Bisset.
Editorial: Art Deco visitors welcome
This weekend is huge for Hawke's Bay, writes Linda Hall.
Bruce Bisset: Let's not lose our love of nature
Perhaps the greatest challenge of the technological age is to prevent ourselves becoming disconnected from the natural world, writes Bruce Bisset.
Editorial: Exciting race for National
Three National Party candidates will battle it out for the right to square off against Labour's Stuart Nash and others, writes Andrew Austin.
Bruce Bisset: Storage scheme a fait accompli
Anyone doubting the Ruataniwha water storage scheme is a fait accompli, writes Bruce Bisset.
Editorial: Daddy of all parties embraced
There is a rather startling image on the front page of today's paper, writes Corey Charlton.
Bruce Bisset: Racist views still hold sway
Nothing beats a good scandal or bit of skulduggery for raising blood pressure and selling papers, writes Bruce Bisset.
Editorial: Wave pool brilliant attraction
The proposed artificial wave park for Napier would have to be the best idea the council has come up with in a long time.