Latest fromHBT - Opinion

Bruce Bisset: Precautionary principle missing
Environmental standards set by local government vary so widely from place to place you'd think the science underpinning the rules in one locale was completely different to the other.

Editorial: Looking forward to year ahead
On the back of a stunningly successful Tremains Art Deco Weekend, things are looking very good for the next big event on the Hawke's Bay calendar.

Bruce Bisset: Arctic warmth creates big freeze
What I love (not!) about climate change deniers is how they cherry-pick data in a very superficial way and then overstate their misinterpretation of it, writes Bruce Bisset.

Editorial: Art Deco visitors welcome
This weekend is huge for Hawke's Bay, writes Linda Hall.

Editorial: Exciting race for National
Three National Party candidates will battle it out for the right to square off against Labour's Stuart Nash and others, writes Andrew Austin.

Bruce Bisset: Storage scheme a fait accompli
Anyone doubting the Ruataniwha water storage scheme is a fait accompli, writes Bruce Bisset.

Editorial: Daddy of all parties embraced
There is a rather startling image on the front page of today's paper, writes Corey Charlton.