Latest fromHBT - Opinion

Bruce Bisset: I'm unashamedly for change
Those waiting for the over-hyped "negative" election campaign promised by fifth-columnist Simon Lusk seem destined to be disappointed

Editorial: Sharper knife needed
A friend emailed me last night saying Emirates Team New Zealand had to recall merchandise as the items contained a "choking hazard".

Rachel Wise: Babies these days are complex
Apparently it takes a village to raise a child.

Editorial: Vulnerable need better protection
The brutal death of Gail Bower in June this year shocked the Havelock North community and still distresses those who live in the area.

Linda Hall: Feisty felines creating big stink
My sneakers stink - not because I've been working out madly, not because I stood in something smelly.

Editorial: Everything Kiwi about Cup efforts
Eight America's Cup points to our name - only three to Oracle.

Bruce Bisset: Right questions, right answers
In case anyone was in doubt, Wednesday's tractor parade protest by Heretaunga Plains growers proved how badly things are.

Editorial: Time to reclaim our streets
I attended a very interesting meeting at the Hastings Council Chambers on Wednesday night.

Editorial: Protesters demand to be heard
Today could be a significant day in the buildup to the local elections next month.

Editorial: Bay can be safer if we stand up
There seem to be a small group of young people around these days who, quite simply put, are up to no good.

Bruce Bisset: Your local body, now your choice
Here we are again, sorting through the pamphlets and promises to select our choices for local government.

Editorial: Tree felling stingingly unkind cut
Fitzroy Ave resident Andrew McNeil yesterday used the adjective to describe a decision to fell a grand cabbage tree.

Editorial: Financial coercion intolerable
One of the most despicable things around is when people put pressure on family members - particularly older parents - to part with their money.

Christine McKay: White gold not the real reward
It's not Father's Day or his birthday, but the start of the whitebait season brings memories of my Dad flooding back.

Editorial: 'Meth' now infiltrating at all levels
About this time last year, I had the distinct privilege of dining at Beijing's famed Dadong restaurant.