Latest fromHBT - Opinion

Community input needed over Māori wards
We need to have a full and open conversation with all of our community

Make sure your eat your greens
We kids would always go out and say good morning to the vege' man

Wyn Drabble: Reliving good times at Oamaru
Oamaru appears to be good at not pulling stuff down.

The Hits: Here's to the mums in our lives
Only the calendar, and my wife, know the answers off the top of their heads.

Mad Mile loose chip 'a real downside' for motorcycle riders
Speed isn't the only issue on the Mad Mile

Party takes tragic turn
The 38-year-old lady fell, hurting her knee, and became unwell, asking for a doctor.

Mike Williams: We are heading in the right direction
Corrections has plans under its 'Hokai Rangi' strategy to reduce Māori incarceration.

Reflecting on massive milestone
Here are my top five topics on the way to 200 articles

Roger Moroney: You all know the drill
I grinned as I knocked at the door, and the teacher welcomed me back in.

Wyn Drabble: Dining out down south
This place is an icon, a status achieved by doing what it does in its own unique way.

The time is right for Ahuriri regional park development
I don't think fouling of the estuary is acceptable and the council knows you don't either.

The Hits: I've lost something I put in a safe place
The safe place I put it in is now so safe, no one can find it.

Opinion: Number plate debate. If BUT is banned, why not NGR?
If BUT doesn't cut it as a number plate, why should NGR?

Slow down and smell the scents of autumn
Run at the legal limits, no more and no less, and all will be well

How many will shed tears from 'bubble fallout'
What do you think? Email

Speed limit reduction will barely impact SH5 travel time, says Waka Kotahi
"Lowering the speed to 80km/h will increase the average travel time by less than a minute"

Giving thanks to the Ottoman Empire for their care of our Anzacs
At Gallipoli, 2779 New Zealanders died, and 5212 were wounded

Historic Hawke's Bay: Locals return from theatre of war
Kiwi airmen who fought in World War II came home to Hawke's Bay with a tale or two.

Give Napier exemption from compulsory chlorine
Why spend millions on chlorinating our water supply?

Wyn Drabble: Nautical gem strikes a chord
Wyn Drabble is anchored by closer acquaintance with Don McGlashan's maritime marvel.

Craig Cooper: Low hanging fruit on Hawke's Bay's health reform tree
There is some low hanging fruit from the reform tree that can be harvested in Hawke's Bay

Historic HB: Duke charms the crowds
Prince Philip's interest in young people and his knack for humorous remarks were evident.

Will new speed limit make SH5 safer?
Lack of investment on roads is the big issue, not driver behaviour.

Bay artist captures drought conditions
In the 1940s, artists were grappling with international modernism