Latest fromHBT - Opinion

OPINION: Gang patch bill a waste of time
The Mob want acceptance, but barking like dogs isn't going to achieve that

Bruce Bisset: Oh no! The vegans were right!
It's a major failing for someone who espouses green politics

When kids' dreams start telling lies where are parents?
Are parents guilty of giving kids so much leeway in sport that academia becomes redundant?

Celebrating Naked Gardening Day in style
Posing nude with lemons was more difficult than expected for Megan from The Hits.

Comment: Cannabis link to mental health a barrier
The link between mental health issues and cannabis is a barrier to legal cannabis market.

Opinion: Sexy survey reveals it's all in the way you say it
Our accent is, a recent survey says, the world's most alluring.

Talking Point: Reaching for the stars in Hawke's Bay
When you wish upon a star, all sort of cool things can happen, writes Andrew Frame.

Better investment decision-making
Six simple steps to achieve better outcomes for your investment.

Architecture is to a whole society as fashion is to its individuals
In the 1950s a city of 22,000 built its iconic War Memorial on the beachfront

Comment: Movement on the street at last
Bruce Bisset is putting his hand up to help facilitate the group Extinction Rebellion.

Here's to many more Hawke's Bay Today anniversaries
There has been news history this week as we celebrate a Hawke's Bay Today milestone

Anendra Singh: Lydia Ko needs to feed soul as much as refine her swing
It may be difficult for David Leadbetter to swallow but it's not just about the coaching.

How much do you need to retire?
A few guidelines to help you evaluate your retirement needs.

Historic HB: The rich history of print
Buildings erected after the earthquake were supposed to be pulled down, some weren't

Other ways to gain fairness in tax system
What is great in theory has to also work in practice

Concentrate on more pressing problems
Comment: We are being asked to indulge the fantasies of one sector of the government.

Bruce Bisset: The future in a child's eyes
No wonder the students are protesting, writes Bruce Bisset.

Talking point: Kiwis deserve to keep what they earn
It's nonsense NZ First should take the credit for stopping the CGT, says Lawrence Yule

Opinion: Changes could result in 'bigger mess'
Hawke's Bay's social and economic needs may no longer be met.

Israel Folau, as it turns out, is a 21st century heretic
Throwing the Folaus and Vunipolas of today into the lion's den isn't the solution.

Reduce waste with BYO deli containers
Try taking a plastic container to the supermarket for deli products, to reduce waste.

Comment | Anzac Day - We must remember them
COMMENT: War's never been a reality for most of us, thanks to those for whom it was.

The time of the egg laying bunny
The time to hide, find, and traditionally lose at least one an Easter egg.