Talking Point: Sport is a counter to our kids' addiction to devices
We have smoke-free zones, so what about device-free zones?
We have smoke-free zones, so what about device-free zones?
Notre Dame encapsulated the power of both history and culture.
Politics needs to be more inclusive and less adversarial
Fashionable investment approaches will come and go
Israel Folau's views on homosexuality are outdated, but are we "shooting the messenger?"
Michael Fowler reflects on the poignant history of the Maraekakaho War Memorial.
OPINION: Please drive safely this Easter because time may not heal all wounds.
Coach Mark Rudan says his players are focused but their body language suggests otherwise.
It seems there were a lot of things that cost thruppence, muses Wyn Drabble
Changing gun legislation will make little difference, argues Clive Bibby.
Napier City Councillors are divided over the future of the Onekawa Pools.
Good people in our communities will find themselves in possession of banned firearms
'Huge boulders weighing up to 15 tonnes were thrown about 600 yards".
It's a pity there isn't an algorithm to make the people who own Facebook more human.
This has to be Winston Peters' final term, says Bruce Bisset.
Additional Maori voices at council table 'fundamentally at odds' with democracy.
As far as the human race goes, Prime Minister Jacinda Adern is winning quite comfortably.
"The dream of Ruataniwha lives on, while the lessons are ignored."
Depression is not a dead-end street, but others might need help to wade through the mud.
While the decision hasn't been made, the regional council's intent is to sell the port.
Governance should entail ethic of service rather than public profile.
Those igniting torch of spirit in cricket need to smartly get off the moral high ground.
After a healthy 22-month-old child choked on a piece of apple, his family's life changed.
After racking up nearly 50 couples, Megan delves into her celebrant bag of tricks.
To fell the Keirunga oaks would be a travesty, writes Joe Leete.
Racism isn't always a punch on the nose.
The exhibition tells the story of phosphate mining on the Pacific island of Banaba.
I'll be disappointed if part of the building is demolished