Michael Fowler: New building was godsend to staff
Michael Fowler looks at a slice of Bay history
Michael Fowler looks at a slice of Bay history
This week will be (hopefully) a bad one for the newspaper industry as good news broke out.
The last fortnight has thrown into sharp relief the value of water.
A bold step has been taken and now it is time to give the track a chance.
We've pretty much trashed Earth, we need to find somewhere else we can survive
This track will blend into the environment as the grass grows and the project is completed
The Bay's house prices are now at record levels
Effective collaboration is essential for thousands of community organisations.
You can see why there is suddenly an air of confidence around our young leader.
It is hard to know exactly what is happening to water that is below ground.
Many teachers know that what they do does not work for many children.
Shane Jones has the resources, intellect and support to make a real difference.
Flour shipped into the Bay wasn't cheap in the early days so mills sprang up.
Festively fritter your cash away now and you'll regret it once the holidays are history
Yuki Kihara's exhibition at the MTG will be worth more than one look, and it's free
For three years I was very vocal about the lack of resources for Napier Police.
A good outcome can only be achieved when credible communication goes both ways.
There can not be a reality for Hawke's Bay that does not involve water storage.
Inquiry's recommendations could serve as a blueprint for safe water management.
It's not easy to determine if boy or girl's on the way.
Pick a council and you will see it grappling with some water issue or the other.
Government's continued commitment to R&D will only enhance NZ's ability to innovate.
Scorching start to summer a promising sign of things to come in Hawke's Bay.
On a per capita basis we contribute more greenhouses gases than the US or China.
National Secondary Schools champs will be a great chance for local kids to be inspired .
English-born engineer and surveyor made mark before dying early