News snippets from Northland
Gas leak closes city street; and a $6m youth and community centre opens.
Gas leak closes city street; and a $6m youth and community centre opens.
Mark Chamberlain's novel Pure is based on the harm methamphetamine causes in Northland.
Northland Rescue Helicopter has new fundraising book
The reworked play is being performed this week at Whangārei Girls' High School.
'The serious criminal element in our society is prepared to use firearms against police.'
Police are investigating whether a series of shop ram-raids are also connected.
Have you seen the logsplitter which was stolen from a Maungakaramea address?
A weekly round-up of news, events and oddities from the Bay of Islands and Mid North.
After visiting the property, police are continuing their search in the surrounding area.
The two Northland sides faced stiff opposition in their long-weekend campaigns.
NRC was one of only four councils in NZ to get the Covid-19 wage subsidy.
Bay of Islands' conservationists upset at theft of roadside kiwi sign.
Alcohol a possible factor in beach crash.
Street Rod display a treat for car enthusiasts.
Dr Chris Reid worked hard to promote rural medicine during his time in the North.
Visitors flock to Northland beaches but it's a quiet weekend for lifeguards.
Whangārei Christmas Parade on November 28.
Fire officers are asking the public to get in touch if they have any information.
Small savings for Top Energy customers after Electricity Authority approval.
Bird of the Year competition opens; and robbery attempt at dairy.
Overflows occurred for a few hours a day on at least two days due to a faulty pump.
The event will be held in Whangārei.
Strong demand for milk from China lifts forecast farmgate price for next season.
Unforced errors and ill discipline among a myriad of problems for Northland Taniwha.
U15 girls and U17 boys play in Waikato and Christchurch respectively over Labour weekend.
First Union not ruling out filing a personal grievance, as 600 jobs go nationwide.
It's the first time the NZ sailing team have done their winter training in Tutukaka.
Ruawai couple find glass bottle used in the early 1900s while digging up old well.