Businesses call for split traffic light levels in Northland
Businesses want high-vax areas to go orange; BOI Music Fest still set to go ahead in Jan.
Businesses want high-vax areas to go orange; BOI Music Fest still set to go ahead in Jan.
St Michael's was built by Maori on Battle of Ohaeawai site as a mark of faith and thanks.
Northland Forestry Award winners impress judges
We might try to understand where iwi are coming from.
Northland leaders unable to attend 3 waters protest at Parliament due to rain
A deadly outbreak of parvovirus has vets telling owners to get their dogs vaccinated.
Warning about fishing in Whangārei Harbour's main channel
Loren Ross-Taylor has been missing since Wednesday, family appeals to the public for help.
Heavy rain likely in Northland overnight; no let-up in soaring humidity
It sounds expensive now, but the price of climate change is unaffordable.
Five lucky Advocate readers can enter the draw to win their own copy of Rescue Horse.
'I do not take these threats too lightly,' nurse Hanibrez Sipu says of extreme abuse.
Anthea Goodwin was dedicated to the environment and making the planet a better place.
Campaign to buy culturally significant Whangārei land block to stop development
Northland's youth are speaking out about their thoughts on climate change.
Decision disappointing but no surprise.
Poisoned wheat in a Whangārei park upsets local bird feeders.
Loren Charles Ross-Taylor has been missing since December 9 in Kaitaia.
Residents want to bring joy back to families after hard year.
Only one third of storage facility is utilised at Refining NZ at present.
There was a 1.5km queue for Northland drivers seeking checkpoint stickers for next week.
It's a long and winding road, but the story has a satisfying emotional arc.
Northland Nancy Greenfield honoured for 50 years as St John volunteer
Number at the big cat park in Whangārei capped at 100 a day.
Iwi relations team at council; and collection for Solomon Island.
It's the difficult balancing act between keeping Northland safe and the economy thriving.
New Onerahi pontoon not likely before Christmas