Latest fromNA - Opinion

Editorial: Appearing in print is record for history
Some situations make me reflect on the endorsement a newspaper gives to a person, and the acknowledgement of their efforts as a matter of record. writes Andrew Bonnallack.

Editorial: Should the limit be the limit?
Police Minister Michael Woodhouse is right to question the official police road safety messages over the Christmas-New Year period, writes Kim Gillespie.

Rosemary McLeod: Dead or alive, heroes seem to come in all guises
It used to take a lot to be a hero - slaying a dragon, swimming to Australia, rescuing a child from a crevasse as deep as the Empire State Building, things like that.

Nickie Muir: Wheels oiled for electric car
If you've been filling up at the gas station watching your car consume the equivalent of the week's grocery bill - and wishing you could spend the money on something else.

Editorial: Five to inspire us all
Northland's five New Year Honours recipients provide plenty of inspiration for anyone considering becoming more involved in their community.