Latest fromNA - Opinion

Editorial: Our city deserves better than this
Craig Cooper writes: Whangarei's elected council is threatening to implode. Councillors have lost respect for each other and mislaid sight of the council's collective reason for being.

Craig Cooper: The right HAC decision needs to be made
Whangarei District Council made the decision to not proceed with a Hundertwasser Art Centre funded heavily by ratepayers. Was it the right decision?

Editorial: 'Calculate' alcohol limit at your peril
I am steadily becoming frustrated by the perpetual and growing lottery that is alcohol and driving, writes Andrew Bonallack.

Editorial: Events make the city hum
Whangarei's 50th Anniversary parade has led to smart businesses altering their trading hours to take advantage of the extra people expected to be in town.

Editorial: Save cash and leave flag as is
Our national flag represents so much of New Zealand's history - It speaks of our past, where we came from, our hopes and dreams, writes Cherie Taylor.

Editorial: Busking competition could jazz up CBD
Parts of Whangarei's CBD need an injection of colour and life. Move beyond the mall area and the atmosphere dissipates fairly quickly, writes Craig Cooper.

Your say: We blew it
We had our best chance to achieve a proper democracy at the last election via the Conservative proposal for binding referenda and we blew it.