Northlander Lani Daniels wins 3rd NZ boxing title
Third NZ boxing title for Northland's Lani Daniels
Third NZ boxing title for Northland's Lani Daniels
53 new ACC claims in six months of Whangārei e-scooter trial - a four-fold rise.
People wanting to get into the Far North's horticulture industry can enrol in a new course
Northland vets say they are seeing more cases of canine cough among the region's dogs.
More than 60 compete at Mangawhai Heads longboard surf contest - 15-year-old cleans up
Up to two thirds of kids in some DHBs are waiting for dental appointments.
Torpedo7 is the latest store to be ram raided in Whangārei.
Comedian Paul Ego is keen on pushing the boundaries during the current 7 Days Live tour.
Sometimes it's good to think about the world in a different way.
GP crisis among Dr Nick Chamberlain's biggest disappointments at Northland DHB.
More than 1500 people turned out for a glimpse - and an autograph - of their rugby heroes.
Ex-Bream Bay College student inspired by cousin's tales about his navy deployments.
Parents play a key role their children's sporting experiences.
Northland Police are investigating a water-related incident in Whangārei.
Northlanders gearing up to see the Matariki star cluster may have to adjust their sights.
Totara might not be considered weeds any more, consultant says
One major challenge we face as a region is major economic disparity of wealth and income.
The first official trial for Kiwi-grown peanuts has been smooth sailing in Northland.
A new charitable programme is under way to address the poor oral health of Northland kids.
A weekly round-up of news, events and oddities from the Bay of Islands and Mid North.
Winners will host a field day on September 8
Woman who twice breached home detention pleads with judge to let her stay on the sentence
Lucille the fur seal took a nap in an Ōtangarei carpark.
Dr Nick Chamberlain is the first permanent appointment at Health NZ.
Win is all the sweeter for Taitokerau Border Control given the controversy at the time.
Smokefreerockquest Northland regional heats uncover hidden talent.
Tai Tokerau's education graduates share their learning experiences
The change has received praise from the country's oldest and largest animal welfare group.