New Civil Defence number for Northlanders needing help during lockdown
New Civil Defence number for Northlanders needing help during lockdown
New Civil Defence number for Northlanders needing help during lockdown
The 12 cases under investigation are spread across three Northland hospitals.
Northland cheesemakers win swag of national awards
Far North iwi are stopping whānau trying to return to the region during the lockdown.
A Kerikeri dairy is soldiering on in a strange new world brought about by Covid-19.
More police are heading to the Far North to help maintain Covid-19 lockdown rules.
Northland's district councils still making decisions despite lockdown.
Far North boaties are slowly getting the message to stay off the water.
Two more coronavirus cases taken Northland's tally to 11 so far
Northland's tally remained at nine as 58 more cases were announced yesterday.
Far North water crisis highlights need for government agencies to better engage with hapū
Another $3 million in relief measures pledged for drought-hit Northland.
PM Jacinda Ardern announced funding during whistle-stop of drought-hit Kaitaia today.
Getting to know your neighbours is good for community spirit
Initial results show John Carter on 5018 votes with former deputy Tania McInnes on 3223.
Latest figures show Kaitaia and Kaikohe are the best places to invest in rental properties
Original plans for new pounds at Ngāwhā and Kaitaia shelved after budget blowout.
Five of Northland's six MPs voted in favour of the Abortion Legislation Bill.
Suspicious fires have Far North firefighters worried.
In the final act of the Bay of Islands' Upsurge Festival, Nadia Reid was superb.
Police officers advising on security and checking over lock-down procedures.
'We rolled out the butchers' paper, that teachers use, on the deck and started drawing'
A day of fires Northland saw three houses gutted, as well as a garage and a bakery fire.
Suhil Musa says the shootings are not reflective of the New Zealand he knows and loves.
Kaitaia man in court charged with murder of four-week-old baby
A power outage leaves our columnist held hostage by an automatic garage door.
I'm writing from what we dogs call 'the other side'.
Police appeal for help in investigation into death of four-week-old girl in Kaitaia
Big winner is a waka centre Aurere at the southern end of Doubtless Bay.
Top Warriors players set to visit Kaikohe on Wednesday to interact with local youth