Latest fromWhangarei

Demand for water steady across Northland
Water delivery deemed an essential service in Northland

Northland supermarket worker tests positive for Covid-19
A staff member at Kaikohe New World supermarket has tested positive for Covid-19.

Child takes Northland's Covid-19 case tally to 16
As New Zealand's Covid-19 case tally breached 1000, Northland recorded its 16th.

DHB's urgent advice to Kaikohe New World shoppers
The warning is for people who shopped at Kaikohe New World between March 20-30.

New Civil Defence number for Northlanders needing help during lockdown
New Civil Defence number for Northlanders needing help during lockdown

Twelve possible cases in Northland, 13 positive cases
The 12 cases under investigation are spread across three Northland hospitals.

Northland cheesemakers win swag of national awards
Northland cheesemakers win swag of national awards

Far North road blocks turning away whanau
Far North iwi are stopping whānau trying to return to the region during the lockdown.

Councils making decisions despite lockdown
Northland's district councils still making decisions despite lockdown.

Boaties slowly getting message to stay off the water
Far North boaties are slowly getting the message to stay off the water.

A male and a female the latest Covid-19 cases in Northland
Two more coronavirus cases taken Northland's tally to 11 so far

Kaitaia's lockdown 'a big joke'
Doctor Lance O'Sullivan called lockdown "a big joke" as cars drove by in Kaitaia.

Iwi looking out for whānau during lockdown
Northland iwi are ensuring whānau are supported during lockdown.

One Northland Covid-19 case recovers
Northland's tally remained at nine as 58 more cases were announced yesterday.

Missing Hastings family spotted at Whangarei supermarket two weeks ago
Checkout operator said she recognised the daughter and all appeared 'normal'.

Fishers throw weight behind popular fundraising tournament
Fishing competition raises money that will change people's lives.

Telling ancient stories with a modern twist
Students redefining the art of ancient story-telling

Shark attack victim: Why I'm going back in the water
Scars from shark attack not just physical for Northland surfie.

Kaitaia and Kaikohe are the places to invest in rental properties
Latest figures show Kaitaia and Kaikohe are the best places to invest in rental properties

Four of Northland's five MPs vote for Abortion Bill
Five of Northland's six MPs voted in favour of the Abortion Legislation Bill.

Schoolgirl rugby players put skills on show
Action aplenty in school girl rugby as Kaitaia square off against Whangārei Girls' .

Northland groups get $1.5m of grants from Foundation North
Northland groups get $1.5m of grants from Foundation North.

One person killed in three-car crash on 'wretched' Northland road
The area where the accident happened is reportedly a common crash site.

Police appeal for witnesses after truck fatally strikes 10-year-old
Police believe there were a number of witnesses to the fatal Kamo Rd crash.

'Rail is back on track': Winston Peters to front big new funding announcement for KiwiRail
The Budget has moved rail back to a more central role in the economy.

The boy in a coma: 7yo's death-defying recovery after hit by car on SH1
Mum grateful for prayers: "They didn't know if he was going to open his eyes."

Bay Of Islands' Upsurge Festival a huge success
In the final act of the Bay of Islands' Upsurge Festival, Nadia Reid was superb.

Police appeal for sightings of missing Northland woman
Anyone with information can contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

Four more Kiwi have gone bush
Four Northland brown kiwi were released into their natural habitat by farmers last week.