Mangamuka repairs: Major piling work ends and pre-Christmas reopening planned
SH1 over the Mangamukas in the Far North is on track for a pre-Christmas opening.
SH1 over the Mangamukas in the Far North is on track for a pre-Christmas opening.
Champ stays active after boxing world title unification bout postponed.
32 feral cats removed from Far North pensioner flats
Te Hiku School Film Festival showcases Far North student movies.
Young Far North artists create colourful images of our place for council competition.
News snippets from the Far North
Everything goes at a Far North barn-find auction of classic cars and machinery.
Far North's Hihi and Ahipara holiday parks have new operators with big plans.
Artwork from Far North students part of Ringa Toi exhibit in Wellington
Māori Language Week celebrated in the Far Far North.
Far North’s Waipoua Forest and iconic tree Tāne Mahuta need saving, with new action plan.
Far North District Council has first ever bylaw for cats.
News snippets from the Far North
The moment was made extra special by having grandmother Peggy on the beach to see it.
Far North has big issues from debilitating fetal alcohol spectrum disorder.
Far North council critic Des Mahoney's lasting legacy saved ratepayers millions
The programme hopes to put in another 200 by the end of the year.
North folk to get free breast cancer advice from Pink Caravan.
Barn find uncovers 120 classic cars, planes and machinery.
News snippets from the Far North.
More than 3400 Northland homes were damaged, with insurance claims of $38m.
Kaitāia teacher James Parker is seeking parole after sexually abusing 20 boys.
Northland world champion Lani Daniels contemplated giving boxing away
Te Hiku Media’s AI work was outperforming the world’s leading tech companies.
Overall, the nationwide average temperature for winter was 9.6C.
The Far North world champ has title unification bout in UK.
Te Hiku o-te Ika Manu Korero – Far North Schools Speech Competition results.
Harriet Steele earns Ironman scholarship during cancer fight.
News snippets from the Far North