Dawn Picken: Why we should support voluntary euthanasia
Knowing we could exit on our terms would be like a hidden escape hatch.
Knowing we could exit on our terms would be like a hidden escape hatch.
'Returnees live paycheck to paycheck and simply don't have flush bank accounts.'
Leadership potentials include Mark Mitchell, Judith Collins or reinstating Simon Bridges.
Comment: Being a teenager is hard enough without the world in freefall.
Comment: Spare a thought for those who give their time freely.
Comment: Return of Covid-19 to Bay of Plenty disappointing but inevitable.
The border failures are an embarrassment to the Government and its health officials.
COMMENT: Secondary school principal Patrick Walsh has his say on the cannabis referendum.
Todd Muller coasts while David Seymour puts up a fight, writes Kate Hawkesby.
He presents as Mr Affable, but there's more to National's new leader than meets the eye.
Todd Muller wanted Paula Bennett on the backbench, but nobody puts Bennett in a corner.
COMMENT: Muller's first days as leader could not have gone better, minefields ahead.
COMMENT: Beauty rituals are a reward after lockdown left us ragged and shaggy.
COMMENT: Todd Muller and Simon Bridges facing off at high noon.
COMMENT: Todd Muller's election puts the September 19 election back into play.
Simon Bridges did not appear to have a jot of self-doubt, writes Audrey Young.
Todd Muller is no Jacinda Ardern, writes political editor Audrey Young.
COMMENT: Sharing half-baked hypotheses during a global pandemic can be deadly.
Comment: Americans have no one but themselves to blame for Donald Trump.
COMMENT: Taking a pay cut should be a no-brainer for elected officials and council chiefs.
COMMENT: Building resilience may be the most productive thing we do in lockdown.
We're forced out of convenience bubbles - and that can't be a bad thing.
We are just another part of the natural world and are subject to the way it works.
Police plea for fleeing drivers in the Bay of Plenty to stop.
The musical has returned for a second season due to popular demand.
If you're getting your knickers in a twist, maybe the knickers are the problem.
COMMENT: As the mum, I worry about the impression this trend is making on young girls.
'We could see the abandoned helicopter standing in the desolation.'
Drive safely, go home and see your loved ones.
OPINION: Men need to keep their fists to themselves.