Lizzie Marvelly: Mind the gap
COMMENT: There is only one word that can truly take responsibility for gender pay disparity, and it is sexism.
COMMENT: There is only one word that can truly take responsibility for gender pay disparity, and it is sexism.
OPINION: Human capacity for animal cruelty never-ending, writes Rachel Stewart.
Years ago, a Maori boy was caught stealing lollies at the local Four Square. A report labelled him a "thug". He was 10 years old, writes Dame Susan Devoy.
COMMENT: I greatly resent Family First attempting to use experiences of sexual violence in order to advance its anti-trans agenda.
I respond to Rosemary Mackenzie (Letters February 22). Reynold Macpherson wished to become the mayor and came second. He therefore
The newly-announced Mana-Maori electoral deal is already causing acrimony, writes Bryce Edwards.
COMMENT: There's something about animal farming and meat-eating that defies rational gravity.
COMMENT: If we had more people in Parliament who would live long enough to experience the results of their actions, we'd all be better off.
COMMENT: Personal battles are waste of energy when tackling climate change requires us all.
Paul Tapsell A_140308jb09bop.JPGTE ARAWA TRIP: Hariata Kereopa and Ellen Tamati in front of one of the buses at Ko Te Hamatuti Marae
COMMENT: February 6 marks the one day out of 365 on which we are encouraged to contemplate our unique and imperfect history.
COMMENT: The US has the best raptors for falconry - eagles, falcons, hawks. I go often. The thought of not going breaks my heart. Yet, here we are.
COMMENT: Trump's signing of death warrant for vulnerable women around world shows exactly what fight is about, writes Lizzie Marvelly.
COMMENT: Not even a week into Trump's presidency, it's crystal clear that US citizens are now dealing with a fascist regime, writes Rachel Stewart.
COMMENT: If there's one thing we can probably all agree on, it's that the slogan "love trumps hate" turned out to be about as useful as tits on a bull.
COMMENT: To block someone is not censorship. It's just that I don't want to hear you, or more to the point, for you to hear me, writes Rachel Stewart.
COMMENT: Let me tell you a story of broken promises, generations of injustice, second-class treatment and now, of political expediency, writes Lizzie Marvelly.
COMMENT: Reliable as clockwork, and right on cue, DairyNZ stepped up to the microphone and shot themselves in the head.
COMMENT: Blame internet giants for allowing fake news to spread globally.
COMMENT: In some parts of the world, girls are forced to miss school when they have their periods. Places like Kenya, Ghana, Ethiopia and. . . New Zealand.
COMMENT: We urgently need to educate our society about media literacy and critical thinking.
COMMENT: Reducing a woman you've never met to her physicality is not a compliment; it's weird and inappropriate.
COMMENT: We need to save the Kiwi dream before it's too late.
COMMENT: Sadly, the game I once loved has mutated into a smorgasbord of unsavoury fare.
COMMENT: As a child of the Central North Island I can't think of a better place to be than the Bay of Plenty.
COMMENT: Funding for schools should be focused on what matters most: education.
COMMENT: The deeper I delve into the issue, however, the more I am struck by just how frightening the consequences of prohibition are.
COMMENT: It's time for senior Chiefs players to step forward, and tell us about the team's attitude to women.
COMMENT: Is it too much to ask that both parents take equal responsibility for their children? Or that their workplaces support them equally?
COMMENT: Tribal authorities have an important role to play in lifting the lives and aspirations of their people.