Letters: Hamurana Springs fees upset locals
Letter writers express their dislike at having to pay to walk around Hamurana Springs.
Letter writers express their dislike at having to pay to walk around Hamurana Springs.
Tommy Wilson learned a valuable lesson from his two-year-old daughter.
Motu Trails is one of 22 Great Rides on The New Zealand Cycle Trail.
Opinion: The new charges at Hamurana Springs set to have an impact on visitor numbers.
OPINION: Disagree by all means, but nasty personal attacks are out of line.
Letters on needs for Alzheimer's sufferers, the tulips around town and firearms.
Opinion: If nothing changes we'll still be scratching our heads in 10 years time.
Readers' views on cycleways and climate change.
Opinion: Perfect potpourri of planetary problems is upon us.
Many will be outraged if Winston Peters joins Labour and Greens but they will be wrong.
One of biggest challenges of helping homeless is kick-starting them in a whare.
Charity shops need your support, not your junk.
Concert's title irks a letter writer while a local politician gets a thumbs up.
The Big Dig Day returns to Rotorua and the Whakarewarewa trail network on Sunday.
Letters on council consultation with Maori, Hamurana Springs, child abuse and Todd McClay.
A reader says teachers deserve a pay rise as they are the backbone of society.
Opinion: Why pick on Spierings? It's his good fortune to be NZ's highest paid executive.
Letters on the referendum and football.
Opinion: Women should never have to feel vulnerable when going for a jog in public.
COMMENT: Attending gala opening night of Pleauredome mattered to me on a number of levels.
Readers' views on talk of a National-Greens coalition and the state of the CBD.
Opinion: To argue sport is 'just sport' ignores realities of today's world.
Readers' views on tourist taxes and a fix for the housing shortage.
Five years ago locals were getting the first Rotorua Bike Festival up and running
Addictions are a health problem long before they should become a criminal one.
Politics is still a hot topic for letter writers, including the Waiariki contest.
Why a Greens and National coalition isn't a silly idea.