Opinion: Gender-balanced workforce has a way to go
Opinion: Change in the workforce will only come if we disband archaic gender roles.
Opinion: Change in the workforce will only come if we disband archaic gender roles.
Readers' letters on the council's annual Community Satisfaction Survey.
We asked people what they would most like to see in the skate park's upgrade.
Readers weigh in on road safety and driver behaviour in Rotorua.
Letters on Koutu Rd traffic, council members' trip to China and predictions in the Bible.
Opinion: Please, listen to your politicians and have your say at election time.
Opinion: Call for a levy on single-use plastic bags brings a strange sense of deja vu.
Readers' letters on mental health and the ChristChurch Cathedral.
Opinion: Why on earth are drivers in Rotorua still driving red lights?
Readers share their views on state housing and e-waste collection.
Opinion: Beauty pageants have come a long way, as Miss Rotorua 2017 shows.
Team NZ are an example and role model to all of us as we face future changes.
Get informed or don't bother voting in this year's election.
A reader says Friday's front page photo captured the delight and joy of kids in the snow.
How a business idea, technology and community values came together to solve a problem.
A tribute to Neil 'Peanut' Shaw, "one of the great characters of the NZ football scene".
Senior reporter Kelly Makiha tells why a local school talent quest brought back memories.
Opinion: You would think we could handle speaking openly about mental health. We don't.
After the indefinite closure of the Rotorua Museum, readers have questions.
Readers' views on the ChristChurch Cathedral, Lake Okareka and Rotorua Museum.
A reader writes in praise of the recent schools kapa haka competition.
Our senior letter writers have a few requests to ponder.
The America's Cup will benefit the whole of New Zealand.
The latest museum news will force the Rotorua community to weigh up the building's value.
GST on groceries, Special Housing Accord, North Korea and council spending.
Opinion: I don't want to see New Zealanders turn into compliant zombies.
Cycleways, hydro slides, skate parks and paying for the Christchurch Cathedral.
People often say that you have to believe in something. The reverse is true, surely.
Readers comment on the skatepark upgrade and pose some questions to our local MP.
Readers share praise for local show and concern about plastics in the environment.