Letters: Lions fan had whale of a time in Rotorua
A Lions visitor says everyone had a fantastic time in Rotorua.
A Lions visitor says everyone had a fantastic time in Rotorua.
LETTERS: The benefit of finding the pink and white terraces would outweigh the search cost
We asked people on the street if they watched the Maori All Blacks vs Lions game.
Letters on the rental shortage, nuclear energy, the Lions and the price of petrol.
Rotorua is preparing to showcase its proud history of Maori rugby this weekend.
We asked people what their plan was for the big game this weekend.
Bruce Horne discusses leadership.
Marc Spijkerbosch discusses maintaining public art.
Paul Hickey discusses the exciting things happening around Rotorua.
Opinion: No official welcome for British & Irish Lions arriving at Rotorua. What a shame.
The debate continues around the origins of the universe.
Are locals taking part in this Saturday's giant haka world record attempt in Rotorua?
A reader says cycling in Rotorua is somewhat different that cycling in Copenhagen.
A reader says fossil-fuel car days are numbered just like the dinosaurs.
We ask locals their thoughts on crime in Rotorua.
Maori leadership styles of the past can still influence Maori voting behaviours today.
For some new citizens it took many years to decide to become New Zealanders.
Street view: Which industry would you like to see grow in the region
Views on terrorism, shop noise, evolution, bikeways and praise for Rotorua Hospital.
Opinion: The majority of Muslims are your normal everyday people.
We ask locals if they will be heading to the Rotorua Lions game next weekend.
A reader's views on the origin of the universe.
We ask locals if they are spending more at the moment.
Noisy shops and a ratepayers' group 'jargon' are the topics of today's letters.
Our letters discuss climate change and thieves stealing cigarettes.
We asked Rotorua locals which suburb they would choose to live in.
We asked people who should be given a Queen's Birthday Honours and why?
A submission by the RDRR group is leaving a bad taste in a letter writer's mouth.
Deputy mayor Dave Donaldson hits back at a letter writer.