Drugged drivers a danger
Over the course of my lifetime societal attitudes to drink driving have completely changed. While 40 years ago having a few drinks
Over the course of my lifetime societal attitudes to drink driving have completely changed. While 40 years ago having a few drinks
Street view: How would you describe the weather this summer? 200217sp9.JPG Very bad, there was too much rain. KAYLA BACON, 18 Central 200217sp5.JPG It's
Rotorua's citizens will have a lot of sympathy for the people of Christchurch over the loss of life, property and livestock in the
Failed mayoral candidate Reynold Macpherson continues to promote his own importance and that of the Rotorua District Residents and
Street View: What do you want to see happen in Rotorua over the next 10 years? 190217bf20.JPG I actually think the city is looking
Parenting wowsers are starting to make me angry.
This week the Lion Foundation Young Enterprise Scheme (YES) was officially launched in Rotorua, and what a fantastic concept of learning
A_240616bf7.JPG Congratulations to the mayors of Rotorua, the Far North, and Gisborne, for having the courage to confront issues of
COMMENT: If we had more people in Parliament who would live long enough to experience the results of their actions, we'd all be better off.
Street view: Are you prepared for an emergency? 160217sp1.JPG No not really, I don't have an emergency kit but looking to set one
Kelly_Makiha_FEB16.eps Right now hundreds of cultural performers throughout the Bay of Plenty are nervously waiting in anticipation
In his column "Mandatory reo" (Rotorua Daily Post, February 6), Tommy Wilson states " ... our mothers were punished for speaking their
Street view: Are you involved with the Bike Festival? 150217bf1.JPG No I don't plan on getting involved in the Bike Festival, I
On Monday afternoon February 13 I went into Rotorua Hospital to have a melanoma removed from my arm. The two trainee doctors, Isaac
Street view: Do you think there should be stricter rules on foreign drivers? 140217sj01.JPG I don't think there should be stricter
COMMENT: Personal battles are waste of energy when tackling climate change requires us all.
Just what is going on in New Zealand? Myself and many others have complained often about the tax on food. This is an abomination
Street view: do you know anyone in Rotorua struggling in the rental market? 130217seanDP.JPG Everyone, it's hard to find a home
Street view: Do you enjoy cycling? 120217sj01.JPG I do like cycling, I'm not an avid cyclist so I don't put on the lycra and go
Nutrition is one of the building blocks to good health - and better mountain biking. Rotorua's Cati Pearson knows that better than
A_030217bf3.JPG / Risky experiment: Rotorua mayor Steve Chadwick has joined forces with two other regional mayors to instigate
EDITORIALBy Peter White New Zealand's outstanding sporting achievements at last year's Rio Olympics and Paralympics were rewarded
COMMENT: The teddies and cupids Valentine's Day brings are vile but dedicating a day to romance is still a lovely idea, writes Lizzie Marvelly.
The image of St John's church going up in flames is one that will be forever seared in the memory of those who saw it. Which, thanks
Street view: Do you support Easter trading or not? 90217janetDP.JPG Yes I do, it's a tourist town and people come here to look around. JANET
In response to T McLeod, (Letters, February 8). It is very commendable that she was able to work three jobs on minimum wage to give
It may not have been a total victory for medicinal cannabis campaigners, but the announcement that people seeking medical cannabis
GettyImages-493189993.JPG Jim Adams (Letters, February 4) calls Te Reo a "dead" language, which is an offensive description. He also
I love this time of year. One by one Rotorua schools open their gates and excited teachers and students meet - some for the first
Street view: Do you think medicinal marijuana should be available via prescription? Yes definitely, I know a load of people it would