Letters: Big thanks to hospital, care home
Recently I had surgery at Rotorua Hospital. I could not fault the excellent service and care given to me there. Welcoming started
Recently I had surgery at Rotorua Hospital. I could not fault the excellent service and care given to me there. Welcoming started
Street View - What do you think of the new English/Bennett National Party leadership team? 141216mm1.jpg I think we will have a
Street view: Would you like to see the bike tree at the lakefront stay? 131216sp11.JPG I give it a thumbs up. TAPU NGAWHITI, 50 Te
John Pakes' letter (December 12) attempts to use the recent addition of one Lakes and Rural Community Boardcommunity board representatives
We asked new Kiwis at today's citizenship ceremony what they liked about living in Rotorua. 131216gn05rdp.JPG People are really
Whilst I must agree with the title of John Pakes letter " Groups deserve place at table" (Letters, December 12) I cannot support the
Street view: What do you like most about Christmas? 121216sp1.JPG I like family get-togethers and the food. JOHN RONGO, 47 Western
After attending various tangi it was a nice change to recently attend a fundraising event for Te Kura Kaupapa Maori o Te Koutu students
Kelly_Makiha_FEB16.eps Growing up, we lived on a farm south of Timaru right on the main road. While we had the tranquillity of farm
The Rotorua Lakes Council's proposed Community Housing Partnership is a carefully considered but in my view slow and ponderous response
When is a ban not a ban? That's what we were pondering this week, with the Rotorua Lakes Council committee decision to extend its
John Key has left the building. The smiling, Richie McCaw-loving, popular leader of the National Party has stepped down from the top
Wow, what a week we've had in New Zealand politics. Like everyone else, I did not see John Key's resignation coming and in fact felt
An independent inquiry similar to Australia's. You must be joking. In my view, it's never going to happen in New Zealand - we are
Why doesn't the council just hold up on the Hemo Gorge sculpture project for now and exercise some common sense and concentrate on
Street view: Do you like the new rubbish collection system? I live in Tokoroa and we don't have them, I'm disappointed. CALEB JOLLIE
COMMENT: Blame internet giants for allowing fake news to spread globally.
Street View - Do you think the council should enforce its proposed smokefree areas? 071216sp3.JPG No. I think we should help people
Street view: What do you think makes a good prime minister? 061216sj01.JPG Someone upfront and honest. You've got nothing to hide. BRIAN
What fantastic news that Rotorua has secured Crankworx for a further 10 years. A huge amount of work made the 2015 and 2016 events
Street View: What do you think about a proposal to ban smoking on Eat Streat? 061216bf5.JPG I don't really mind people smoking outside
The resignation of Prime Minister Key should not be heralded as some noble act of succession or demonstration of commitment to family
WHO'S NEXT: Rotorua's Thomas Cousins, 21, says New Zealand needs Helen Clark back. PHOTO/BEN FRASER Reporter Kyra Dawson took to
Street view: Do you think shops should be able to be open on Easter Sunday? Why/why not? 051216sp1.JPG I think it should be up to
It is very pleasing to see that our council has taken a step towards underwriting the budget for the Hemo Gorge sculpture. It is a
When John Key became our 38th Prime Minister on November 8, 2008 it was an extraordinary turnaround from the previous election. In
It's that time of year again - the silly season is well and truly upon us. But if you were not convinced, you only had to pop into
TRADING: Shops could be set to open next Easter Sunday. PHOTO/FILE A_261214bf15.JPG (Trading: A reader takes issue with the fact
Tourism is now agreed to be the country's largest export earner, with total expenditure in the year ended March 2015 at $29.8 billion
Re funding for sculpture. Now what I would like to know is what benefits can we expect as a taxpayer and ratepayer? What will we