Latest fromRDP - Opinion
Paul Hickey: Big city traffic drives me to distraction
Paul Hickey is on holiday this week from my radio show on The Hits Rotorua. "Aloha" from the sunny sands of Waikiki Beach in Hawaii.
Editorial: A legal high ban, of sorts
Yesterday we reported on Rotorua dad Hamuera Hodge's battle to see all psychoactive substances banned from Rotorua due to negative side effects. So why aren't they banned?
Paul Hickey: Family nest is a little bit emptier
It is so hard to believe that nearly 18 years have passed with the responsibility on our shoulders as parents and today is the last day that we spend with our son Joel at home, writes Paul Hickey.
Editorial: Denial of spy role needed
The latest revelation about New Zealand's intelligence doings has stirred little interest but would in previous years have been a major scandal, writes Kim Gillespie.
Graeme Simpson: Club lures women into Super action
HEADING OFF: The back of the shuttle as it moves up Hill Rd. enhanced pics comin
Kevin Page: Fleeting years are a sign of the times
It seems appropriate in this month of fiddling with the clocks that I should find myself thinking of how time really is rushing by, writes Kevin Page.
Editorial: Good sense finally from Govt on passports
Guys of a certain age don't change a heck of a lot and a glimmer of sense from the Government: putting passports back up to 10 years is a welcome change, writes Andrew Bonallack.