Latest fromRDP - Opinion
Editorial: Troubles over bubbles
This latest one didn't happen to come from TV3. Instead it was an Auckland restaurant owner saying sorry after staff refused to serve a pregnant woman a glass of sparkling wine.
Kevin Page: Don't even! I'm not that kind of girl
Last Saturday, however, as I skilfully manoeuvred between groups of people, I was subjected to a wolf whistle, writes Kevin Page.
Editorial: More to be done on road safety
The debate over the safety of tourist drivers has become unhealthy and this hasn't been helped by the vigilante actions of a few South Island locals stopping visiting drivers, writes
Kevin Page: Packing done with military precision
Once again Boomerang Child has gone. Obviously this meant a housewarming gift was in order, and Mrs P was off to Briscoes, writes Kevin Page.
Editorial: Prying can go too far
Kim Gillespie writes: New Zealand Customs is seeking new powers including requiring a person to provide a password or access to their electronic devices.