Latest fromRDP - Opinion
Editorial: Airport blow for our city
After pouring all that money into the Rotorua International Airport, it turns out the flights to Sydney were not sustainable.
Editorial: Drivers deserve jail time
Rotorua's Judge Chris McGuire should be congratulated for two sentences he handed down in the Rotorua District Court this week.
The Social Life: Phone feels just like new
It feels like I have a new phone. I went to bed last night with a cranky iPhone, sometimes slow to respond and the icons were looking a bit outdated.
Editorial: The weird world of match racing
Bizarre is the only way to describe what happened with the America's Cup at the weekend.
Editorial: Festival should stay in our city
What a shambles Christchurch has made of the 2015 Te Matatini Kapa Haka Festival.
The Social Life: Twitter adds layer to cruelty
For those of us who found school to be a less than jolly experience, Channel 4's series Educating Yorkshire on British television has sometimes made for painful viewing.
Editorial: Rotorua: Events are us!
Congratulations, Rotorua, it turns out our city is the best place to hold an event.
Te Ururoa Flavell: Party hold Govt to account
I was pleasantly surprised this week when I went training for the Iron Maori at the Aquatic Centre.
Editorial: Happy to come in 13th
New Zealand is once again near the top of the list of the happiest countries in the world.
Editorial: Fateful day that changed everything
We have a really good bunch of readers on our Facebook page.
Editorial: Racing creates waves
Like many I'm a lot more interested in the America's Cup now the racing's under way.
The 111 Files: Small steps lead to safety
Although I have been stationed in Rotorua for almost two years, I have just taken over the role of road policing manager from Senior Sergeant Denton Grimes.