Latest fromRDP - Opinion
Editorial: Sense needed on cigs
When I was a teenager, trying to fund my cigarette habit was tricky.
Editorial: Delight being a dad
For the last 17 years I've been part of an exclusive club and on the the first Sunday of September the members of this club are recognised.
Editorial: Real test for free parking
Just before Christmas last year, the Rotorua District Council introduced a free parking trial in our central city. It was a roaring success. Town was buzzing and the parks were full.
Editorial: Leader race will spice up politics
Whether you're a leftie or a right wing supporter, it's fair to say politics is getting more interesting.
The 111 Files: Plan safe return from night out
The Bay of Plenty Traffic Alcohol Group (TAG) is based in Rotorua and is part of a larger group of road-policing staff who focus on keeping our roads safe.
Potaua Biasiny-Tule: Youth has its place in council
Politics - in some homes it can be a swear word.
Editorial: Optimism despite CBD gaps
Once a year Rotorua's business community comes together to celebrate their fine work at the annual Rotorua Business Excellence Awards.
Editorial: Police action correct
Israel Jack's family and friends will right now be going through hell.
Editorial: Fishery action urgent
It's obvious now that some urgency is required if we wish to preserve snapper stocks in our region.